ama-rattan lamp shades angaphandle alungele ukuthunyelwa
Njengoba a top lamp shades supplier in China, futhi indwangu yayo isibani umthunzi ungenza zonke izinhlobo isibani shades by isisebenzi onekhono for more than, always do its best to make bespoke out lamp shades for designers and clients.
Esithombeni, you can see our new outdoor custom made lamp shades. They are made in our lamp shade factory.
i-shades yesibani eyenziwe ngokwezifiso, if you want to make the out lamp shades by yourself, it is OK for us to supply the shades materials and rattan for you.
The common size of outdoor lamp shade is 350 Iwumklamo omusha wezindwangu.
idizayini ye-plissee umthunzi wesibani wendwangu eqinile eyenziwe e-china umthunzi wesibani nezinto zomthunzi wefektri i-winkle fabric shade shade isithombe, the height in our new shade of the photo, kuyinto 550 isiliva eliqinile elingemuva nefilimu yegolide ye-PVC yomthunzi wesibani we-PC wokukhanya okulengayo kwehhotela nendawo yokudlela eyenziwe enkampanini ye-china shade i-MEGA.
For more details, and request of out lamp shades, ukuze wenze i-pleated emndenini kodwa umbono ohlukile wezindwangu zamathunzi.
For more photos of shades and lights mateirals:

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