为什么 MGF 可以成为出色的灯罩制造商和灯罩面料与其他灯罩配件的供应商?
always takes care what the clients care!
Those, “质量, Price, Service of one stop solution, Shipping, 可靠”, all are made better than other suppliers in the lamp shade and lighting industry of China.
girls and women style pleated soft back fabric lamp shades兆拟合, can make so many supports for the lamp shade maker, lighting distributor, lamp designer, interior designer and architect, and hotel owner, and restaurant fabric lamps supplier, and the bespoke fabric lamp and shades contractor, and custom-made fabric lamp supplier of shopping mall etc.
如果您是织物灯罩制造商, 您可以从我们这里获得所有灯罩材料和相关技术支持. 喜欢各种灯罩面料, 灯罩制作的金属零件, 以及来自我们的灯罩工程师和精心制作的灯罩大师的任何问题支持.
如果您是照明和灯具经销商, 您可以从以下位置购买所有类型的织物灯罩, 和维修知识, 以及为您的灯罩业务项目提供灯罩更换服务和支持. 我们将更新我们的灯罩设计, 以及为您的可持续灯具和灯罩业务提供新的织物灯罩. Make you outstand from your competitors.
如果你是酒店 / 餐厅老板或经理, we can supply the replaced lamp shades for your lamps and supply the relevant parts for you to repair your lamp shades in your hotel and restaurant.
如果您是灯和灯罩的设计师, 我们可以从您设计的图纸到真正的灯罩中找出您的想法, 并且有所有材料, like shades’ fabrics, 灯罩的金属框架, 在我们的商店为您自己制作定制的DIY灯罩. 我们可以提供许多不同的面料, 以及创新面料,为您的更新设计, 以及在设计和制作过程中为您的新灯罩提供的所有技术和技能支持. 是的, you can make us as one total lamp shade and shade materials supply stop for your lampshade and fabric lamps solution.
If you an enthusiast for the making of lamp shade and decorative objects, 您从我们这里获得了许多关于灯罩面料的新想法, 以及我们的任何技术和技能支持. 任何织物灯, 织物灯罩, 任何个人兴趣 灯罩 的阴影 都可供我们使用.
如果您是定制灯具和灯罩制造商, 您可以从我们这里获得所有定制面料和灯罩, 愈, 我们可以根据您的设计图纸和图片提供定制的织物灯具. You can get any kinds of fabric for your custom-made fabric lamps and shades. 我们很高兴与您分享我们制作定制织物灯罩和照明的专业知识.
If you just would like to buy a fabric lamp shade and fabric lamps from us, It’s OK for to make a completely lamp or lamp shade for you including the shipment to your door. 我们可以为您提供完整的解决方案意味着什么, 一旦您告诉我们您想要什么织物灯和灯罩. 您需要做的是付款并在门上安装织物灯和灯罩.
如果您只是想知道有关织物灯罩和织物灯的一些事情, 和灯罩的面料, 甚至在我们灯罩业务中做一些有趣的事情之前,也要和你一起做点什么, 还行, 向我们发送电子邮件: megafitting@foxmail.com \\ sale@megafitting.com, 或访问我们的网站: www.megafitting.com
如果您刚刚开始从事灯罩和照明业务, 灯中的新手 & 遮荫行业, 很幸运能见到我们. 放轻松! 我们很高兴与您分享我们在织物灯和灯罩业务方面的知识和信息, and send you some of new fabrics and updated lampshades for you. 并为您提供灯具和织物灯罩的相关技术和供应商. 关于灯罩和灯罩面料的任何问题, 和织物灯, 只需通过电子邮件与我们联系: megafitting@foxmail.com, 或, sale@megafitting.com. 最后, we have an important advice for you, 访问我们的网站: MEGAFITTING.COM, 先获得一些常识. 这对于您在灯罩业务中的长期和成功至关重要. 祝你好运!
完全, 兆拟合, 一直为织物灯罩制造商提供解决方案, 以及灯罩和照明的分销商, 灯具设计师, 更换酒店台灯/台灯/吊灯/织物吸顶灯/织物灯, 餐厅和购物中心的定制织物灯, 世界各地的照明和织物灯制造商, 谁不只是供应灯具和灯罩的材料, 但也是, 技术支持和售后服务. 是的, 20 岁, a top and amazing supplier and manufacturer of lamp and fabric shades from China, 并在全球照明灯具行业享有盛誉.
What usually the MEGAFITTING supply: fabric lamp shade, fabric of lamp shade, 灯罩金属件, lamp shade materials, 灯罩配件, 布艺灯, customized large lamp shades, hotel replaced fabric lamp shades, 灯罩的装饰, finial of lamp shade, metal pipes of lamp shade, socket and holder of lamp shade, 环形螺钉六角螺母弯头耦合器立管,用于灯罩,灯罩用竖琴金属部件, E27 适配 E14 的灯罩转换器, 灯罩的Uno金属环部件, 灯罩的蜘蛛环金属部件,用于灯罩的金属部件上的夹子, adhesive PVC lining hard back of lamp shade, adhesive fabric tape of lamp shade, decorative beads of lamp shade, packing material OPP of lamp shade, E14 / E27 metal ring of lamp shade, bespoke lamp shade for the restaurant, custom made fabric lamp shade for the pendant lights.
How MEGAFITTING, is marketing more marketing jobs by the sales and marketing department, to support more and more customers around the world. It can make a totally solution for the shipment by sea and air for the clients in anywhere by anyway. The sales team can solve all problems and technology support by the lampshade training every week. The R&D always follow and check with the trends of lamp and shade markets with the customers and supplier. There are fabric samples / swatch of lamp shade for the clients before order. The sales team always could supply the color samples guard for the customers, when they order the cotton and linen fabrics for their lamps and shades.
MEGAFITTING is the top lamp shade and accessories supplier in China? 还有更多 100,000 我们商店的灯罩面料项目. 这 100 灯罩工程师和精心制作的灯罩大师可以制作任何种类和任何设计的灯罩, 曾在灯罩行业工作的人 10 年. 中国所有的照明公司和灯罩工厂过去和现在都是我们的客户, 和, so will be. MEGAFITTING每月更新灯罩的材料和设计,由其R&D 部门.