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laser cut lamp shade from China lamp shade and shade materials supplier MGF As one top manufacturer of lamp shade and lamp shade fabrics, 和遮阳材料, 美格灯罩公司. 可以做出任何设计和拍打灯罩通过激光切割. 我们的激光切割织物灯罩, can make any design for the designer and customers …
灯罩面料亚麻, 麻布, 麻布, burlap fabric Burlap fabrics lamp shade is made by the fabrics called: 亚麻布, 麻布, 麻布, 粗麻布面料. 我们可以为世界各地的客户制造任何尺寸的产品. 还有红色的, 和白色, 和黑色, 以及更多, 为世界各地的设计师和客户提供服务. …
new trims for the fabric lamp shades from China lamp and shade maker MGF We, 只是更新了一系列新的装饰装饰,用于织物灯罩. 其中一个是从中国人的想法设计的 “人民”, 可以有不同的颜色,如红色, 黑, 和灰白色, 和白色和更多. 常见的尺寸是 …
To whom is interested in the parchment of lamp shade and the parchment lamp shades: Dear our friends, and the potential clients: 我们, all know that the parchment is an amazing and quality fabric/paper materials for the making of lamp shades, and the parchment lamp shades, like parchment table lamp shade, and the parchment shade for the desk light of …
用于更换酒店灯具的纸张和织物灯罩, 和设计师, and lighting distributors: The lamp shades are usually made from the paper and fabrics materials in MEGAFITTING LAMP AND SHADE FACTORY, whose slogan is “Don’t ask what the customer can do for you, just ask what you can do for the customer! ” Many of the hotel …
日本和纸灯罩从中国兆拟合灯罩材料厂: 日本和纸和SIWA纸是一种优质灯罩材料 / 用于全球照明和灯罩制造商的面料. 兆拟合, 生产不同颜色的这种日本纸, 像白色和米色, 和黄色, to support …
Repair and replacement of the lampshade of hotels As a top lamp shade and lamp shade materials supplier in China, we have been supplying repair and replacement of the lampshade for hotels and villas, and luxury restaurant more than 20 years around the world, especially for the luxury hotels like Westin, Hayatt, and Hilton Marriott hotels. Many of the …
customized lamp shade for hotel table lamp floor lamp ceiling light pendant and chandelier lamp wall light sconces and so on We are an amazing lamp shade and fabric of lamp shade maker in China. 我们被造得比 100,000 Pieces 适用于世界各地酒店和餐厅的灯罩. The lamp shades in hotel …
bamboo weaving hard back fabrics for lamp shade We are a professional lamp shade and fabrics of lamp shade manufacturer in China, supplying all kinds of lamp shade materials: not only the lamp shade fabrics, 藤, bamboo, wicker, but also the trims of lamp shade, and lamp shade fabric tapes in all colors, and lamp shade hardback like …
new pleated fabric with hard back for lamp shade We are updating a new PVC hard back pleated fabric for lamp shade. There is stream / line in the fabric to make it in a new design in pleated shade. There is PVC hard back to support the fabric to make a tube cylinder shade. 这 …
share my idea how to be a outstanding lamp shade and shade fabrics maker in the lighting industry After to know what one wants to achieve then he can make his goal. 在做出目标之后,他可以保持冷静. 在一个人的平静之后,他可以处于合理的状态. after in one’s reasonable …