» 燈罩面料 » 燈罩紙織物 » paper fabric of lamp shade made from China lamp shade materials manufacturer


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中國燈罩和燈罩材料廠的燈罩用竹子 desgin 紙織物 bamboo design paper fabrics for lamp shades from China shade and shade materials factory


Paper fabric of lamp shade made from China lamp shade materials manufacturer.

We make so many designs for the lamp shade fabrics. One of them is the paper fabric of lamp shade, which is made from paper material (someone calls it as Japan Paper in lighting industry), and with the different designed pattern on the papers like the bamboo pattern design, and parchment design for the paper of lamp shade, and white or yellow colors for the lamp shade papers.

The lamp shade paper fabric always with a PVC or PS hard back for it to strong up for lamp shade or lamps. And it is so bright and lighting soft when you light it as a lamp shade or a paper lamp.

The paper for lamp shade is not just beautiful as a decor material, but light for the lamp in the night. That is why is popular use in the lighting and lamp shade industry. Our paper fabric for the lamp shade and lighting is normally height at 1000 毫米, and some special height is 1500 毫米, 和 1200 mm for the special order.

Moreover, the paper fabric or Japan paper / Janese Paper / HEZHI for the lamp shade manufacturer and lighting use is widely around the world. We also used it to make some customized paper lamps for the hotel and restaurant as per the designer and owner’ 請求.

There are relevant paper trims for the paper fabrics of lamp shade in our warehouse. Should meet your demand / need / interest, just go to email us.

Need any more technology support for the lamp shade papers, just let us know. Our engineers will be happy to give a perfect solution.





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