- 博客 (232)
Skirt shade design fabric lamp shade with a model in black and white made in China lamp and shade supplier MG skirt fabric lamp shade made in China with a beautiful model: 材料: 金屬絲, 織物色帶. 顏色: 白 / 黑色/灰白色. 大小: D600型 …
Aqua fabric lamp shades for Sahara Floor lights from Aqua Creations designed by Ayala Serfaty MADE FROM CHINA LAMP SHADE FABRICS SUPPLIER MG. 來自中國頂級燈罩面料供應商的 Aqua 創作照明的 aqua 織物和 aqua 織物燈罩. 水織物的任何顏色都可用. Any custom made aqua fabric lamp shades …
Reducer from E 27 TO E14 Adpter from E26 to E12 for fabric lamp shades from China lamp shade accessories supplier MG China lamp shade reducer manufacturer MEGAFITTING (A TOP LAMP AND SHADE ACCESSORIES SUPPLIER IN CHINA)” refers to the top and reliable manufacturer of the lampshade reducer / adapter (fitter for E12 / E26, and E14 / E27 of …
Fabric with nautical chart design for fabric lamp shade from China lamp shade fabrics supplier fabric with nautical chart design for fabric lamp shade: 大小: 1480 mm For export : 25 米 / 輥, 最小起訂量: 50 米, 僅限 B2B, 不適用於零售, 材料: fabric at paper with the PVC hard back for fabric hard back lamp …
Ukiyoe painting for fabric lamp shade that make fabric lamp shade looks different for a Japan restaurant place Ukiyoe painting cold be painted on the outdoor and indoor fabric lamp shades, to make the design in unique for the Japan room and restaurant commercial place. …
CHINA STYLE PAINTING LAMP SHADE with Chinese cultural style and painting technology for restaurants CHINA STYLE PAINTING LAMP SHADE for pendant lights: 大小: D20型 * 60 / 80 / 40 /100 釐米. 戶外燈罩織物材料, 防水. Colors for any one …
羽毛織物燈罩供應商MEGAFITTING COMPANY製成的羽毛吊燈 2019 中國頂級燈罩供應商MEGAFITING的羽毛織物燈罩. 羽毛織物燈罩的尺寸: 600*500 毫米. 羽毛材料 (手工製作, 假), 織物, 金屬絲. 最小起訂量 50 個人電腦. 其他顏色,如白色和黑色, 可用. …
餐廳定製吊燈由 8 design fabric lamp shade Fabric restaurant pendant light from bespoke fabric designed shade. 中國製造. 斯澤: 400 *1200 毫米, 其他尺寸可選. 其他顏色可選. 最小起訂量 10 個人電腦. 僅適用於 B2B. 更多詳情和訂單, 請發送電子郵件確認. There are more fabric lamp shade materials …
絞帶織物燈罩 中國製造MEGAFITTING COMPANY. 黃色扭曲帶織物燈罩, 橙, 和巴爾克. 大小: D450型 * D 260 毫米. 材料: 緞帶面料 ( 冷是任何顏色), 白色金屬線. 中國製造. 最小起訂量: 50 個人電腦. 僅適用於 B2B 批發, 不適用於零售. 任何訂單或 …
來自中國的吸頂燈植絨面料 燈罩面料供應商MEGAFITTING. 這種植絨織物,帶有PVC硬背,用於我們的MEGAFITTING燈和燈罩材料工廠的吸頂燈. 黑色植絨面料, 和 25 為照明公司計量每卷. The PVC hard back for flocking fabric is …
Stainless steel laser cutting SS metal etching LAMP SHADE From China lamp lamp company MEGAFITTING As a top lamp shade manufacturer in China, 我們已經開始為世界各地的照明公司和燈具設計師製作不鏽鋼蝕刻燈罩. 如圖所示, our stainless steel etched lamp shade looks …
餐廳 ORANGE MODERN 織物繩子吊燈來自中國燈罩 MEGAFITTING COMPANY: As a top fabric lamp shade manufacturer in China, we are not only supply the fabric lamp shade materials, but make fabric lamp shades for customers like designers to make a bespoke fabric string lamp …