我哋不僅係燈罩面料嘅供應商, 同時都係織物燈罩嘅頂級製造商, now to show string fabric lamp shade for pendant light and standing lamp. 項目: 41845678 燈罩款式: MODERN LAMP SHADE SHADE: DRUM SHADE SIZE: 400 * 400 * H 180 mm Materials: 織物串, 同金屬絲. …
我哋喺中國供應燈罩面料, 並為世界各地嘅客戶製造織物燈罩. 我哋可以製作各種織物燈罩, 現時, would like to show fabric line string lamp shade for standing lamp. fabric line string lamp shade for standing lamp ITEM: 4181022 燈罩款式: MODERN LAMP SHADE SHADE: DRUM …