» 不同型號嘅燈罩 » 圓柱燈罩 » silver film hard back shade with Uno E27 metal washer cylinder fabric lamp shade

銀膜硬背罩與Uno E27金屬墊圈圓柱體織物燈罩

  • 描述
銀膜硬背罩與Uno E27金屬墊圈圓柱體織物燈罩 銀膜硬背罩與Uno E27金屬墊圈圓柱體織物燈罩
銀膜硬背罩與Uno E27金屬墊圈圓柱體織物燈罩
項目編號. Cylinder hard back lamp shade
Lamp shade use: 落地燈罩, table lamp shade, 吊燈燈罩
Lamp Shade typel cylinder
尺寸 (12″*12″) x (14″*14″) x 9 3/4 “,

Dia.400 * 420 毫米

外層材料 Polyester silver film
襯度材料 Styrene
燈罩鉗工 UNO E27,
其他規格 Hardback



REMARK the cylinder lamp shade made by new silver film fabric materials, 可提供定製尺寸.

Cylinder lamp shade is the common style of lamp shade in the markets.

This cylinder fabric lamp shade we use the new fabric of silver film, which can make the fabric/film in transparent when the lamp lights up.

更多, the size of cylinder can be size at bespoke from diameter from 150 mm to 1500 毫米.

And the silver color to make the cylinder lamp shade to match many many other colors of the lamp.

The cylinder lamp shade in our design for the metal frame can fit with Uno washer at E27, 同E14, E12型, E26 as well.

We have the metal ring / washers in plastic material with special design, that can help the Cylinder lamp shade to fit with any type/ size of lamps around the world.


Our staff in our factory are all of them in expertise cylinder lamp shade to make the shade at any size, and to fit any type of lamps like table lamp/floor lamp/pendant and wall lights etc.

We have the top quality of lamp shade trims in silver color to fit with the cylinder fabric lamp shades as well, and that quality can be warranty more than 2 年.


Except cylinder lamp shades, we can supply the silver film fabric for any lamp shade maker to any idea shade. That means we not only can supply the cylinder lamp shade, we also can help other guys to make cylinder lamp shade. 只需畀我哋發電子郵件, if you need or interest.


梗係, we can make any types of lamp shade except the cylinder lamp shade. We welcome the people to send us email and inquiry to study more details and knowledge for cylinder lamp shades.

We will update more info for the cylinder lamp shades here. 點解? Because we are trying our best to become the top cylinder fabric lamp shade supplier in China.

For any support of fabric lamp shade, to visit our web: megafitting.com.






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