» 燈罩和燈具配件 » lampshade lace and shade trims from china shade materials supplier MEGA LIGHT AND SHADE COMPANY

lampshade lace and shade trims from china shade materials supplier MEGA LIGHT AND SHADE COMPANY

  • 描述
lampshade lace and shade trims in many colors and designs lampshade lace and shade trims in many colors and designs

We are updating the lamp shade trims and shade laces in our lighting and shade company.

They are the updated designs and trims in the new sizes for shade manufacturer.

They are the best quality and size to match / fit for the shades.


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  • 關於我哋

    我哋有生產經典同時尚嘅設施 遮陽面料, 包括色調材料,如: 聚氯乙烯, 聚丙烯, 斷續器, 寵物, 個人電腦, 色調’ 飾邊/鞋帶、羊皮紙等。.

    更多, 我哋仲使 織物色調織物燈 對於任何尺寸同任何顏色嘅客戶要求, 甚至係燈罩和燈具嘅特殊圖案同設計.

    一句話, 作為中國頂級和大型照明面料供應商, 我哋生產所有相關嘅織物色調, 織物燈, 以及為全球客戶提供照明嘅織物配件.

    任何關於照明面料/布料的設計和問題, 歡迎與我哋聯繫.



  • 聯繫我哋

    #3 華安路創業區曹山工業園, 中山市古鎮鎮, 廣東省,中國.

    移動:0086 136 2270 3681
    電話: +86-0760-22348167
    電子郵件: megafitting@foxmail.com

    電子郵件: sale@megafitting.com

    徜徉: www.megafitting.com

  • 服務
    燈罩面料, 織物燈罩, 織物照明和零件.