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燈罩面料亞麻布, 麻布, 麻布, 粗麻布面料

燈罩面料亞麻布, 麻布, 麻布, 粗麻布粗麻布粗麻布燈罩是由稱為的織物製成的: 亞麻布, 麻布, 麻布, 粗麻布面料. 我哋可以為世界各地嘅客戶製造任何尺寸嘅產品. 仲有紅色嘅, 同白色, 同黑色, 以及更多, 為世界各地嘅設計師同客戶提供服務. …



new trims for the fabric lamp shades from China lamp and shade maker MGF We, 只係更新咗一系列新嘅裝飾裝飾,用于織物燈罩. 其中一個係由中國人嘅諗法設計嘅 “人民”, 可以有不同的顏色,如紅色, 黑, 同灰白色, 同白色同更多. 常見嘅尺寸係 …

parchment fabric materials for lamp shade making

to whom is interested in the parchment of lamp shade and the parchment lamp shades

To whom is interested in the parchment of lamp shade and the parchment lamp shades: Dear our friends, and the potential clients: 我哋, all know that the parchment is an amazing and quality fabric/paper materials for the making of lamp shades, and the parchment lamp shades, like parchment table lamp shade, and the parchment shade for the desk light of



用于更換酒店燈具嘅紙同織物燈罩, 同設計師, and lighting distributors: The lamp shades are usually made from the paper and fabrics materials in MEGAFITTING LAMP AND SHADE FACTORY, whose slogan isDon’t ask what the customer can do for you, just ask what you can do for the customer! ” Many of the hotel



日本同紙燈罩由中國兆擬合燈罩材料厂:       日本同紙同SIWA紙係一種優質燈罩材料 / 用于全球照明和燈罩製造商嘅面料. 兆擬合, 生產不同顏色嘅呢種日本紙, 好似白色同米色, 和黃色, to support



Repair and replacement of the lampshade of hotels As a top lamp shade and lamp shade materials supplier in China, we have been supplying repair and replacement of the lampshade for hotels and villas, and luxury restaurant more than 20 years around the world, especially for the luxury hotels like Westin, Hayatt, and Hilton Marriott hotels. Many of the



customized lamp shade for hotel table lamp floor lamp ceiling light pendant and chandelier lamp wall light sconces and so on We are an amazing lamp shade and fabric of lamp shade maker in China. We have been made more than 100,000 pieces lamp shades for the hotels and restaurant around the world. The lamp shades in hotel



bamboo weaving hard back fabrics for lamp shade We are a professional lamp shade and fabrics of lamp shade manufacturer in China, 供應各種燈罩材料: 不僅是燈罩面料, 藤, 竹, 柳條, 仲有燈罩嘅裝飾, 同所有顏色嘅燈罩織物膠紙, and lamp shade hardback like



Non-woven fabrics for lamp shade As a top lamp shade fabrics supplier, 同中國嘅燈罩製造商, 我哋可以為燈罩製造商同我哋嘅燈罩工廠提供無紡布. 通常, 我哋嘅白色同黑色無紡布. 無紡布嘅尺寸可以切割成任何尺寸嘅燈罩. They are normally

new pleated fabric with hard back for lamp shade

new pleated fabric with hard back for lamp shade

new pleated fabric with hard back for lamp shade We are updating a new PVC hard back pleated fabric for lamp shade. There is stream / line in the fabric to make it in a new design in pleated shade. There is PVC hard back to support the fabric to make a tube cylinder shade. 這 …



share my idea how to be a outstanding lamp shade and shade fabrics maker in the lighting industry After to know what one wants to achieve then he can make his goal. 在做出目標之後,佢可以保持冷靜. 喺一個人嘅平靜之後,佢可以處於合理嘅狀態. after in one’s reasonable



Flocking fabric of lamp shade from China lamp shade fabrics manufacturer MEGAFITTING, ONE OF LARGEST LAMP SHADE FABRICS SUPPLIER IN CHINA. We have been supplying the flocking fabrics of lamp shade for more than 20 年. We can supply almost all designs of flock fabric of lamp shade in the lighting market. In the picture of flock fabric

  • 關於我哋

    我哋有生產經典同時尚嘅設施 遮陽面料, 包括色調材料,如: 聚氯乙烯, 聚丙烯, 斷續器, 寵物, 個人電腦, 色調’ 飾邊/鞋帶、羊皮紙等。.

    更多, 我哋仲使 織物色調織物燈 對於任何尺寸同任何顏色嘅客戶要求, 甚至係燈罩和燈具嘅特殊圖案同設計.

    一句話, 作為中國頂級和大型照明面料供應商, 我哋生產所有相關嘅織物色調, 織物燈, 以及為全球客戶提供照明嘅織物配件.

    任何關於照明面料/布料的設計和問題, 歡迎與我哋聯繫.



  • 聯繫我哋

    #3 華安路創業區曹山工業園, 中山市古鎮鎮, 廣東省,中國.

    移動:0086 136 2270 3681
    電話: +86-0760-22348167
    電子郵件: megafitting@foxmail.com

    電子郵件: sale@megafitting.com

    徜徉: www.megafitting.com

  • 服務
    燈罩面料, 織物燈罩, 織物照明和零件.