lamp shade maker

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what we do usually to make us as one top lamp shade and lamp shade fabrics and shades accessories supplier in China

what we do usually to make us as one top lamp shade and lamp shade fabrics and shades accessories supplier in China

what we do usually to make us as one top lamp shade, and lamp shade fabrics, and shades accessories supplier in China? First of all, we will train and practice every month usually. That makes our working team keep at a top level of producing skill, and knowledge, and let our engineers and workers, and designers get updated information with


    Yaan k facilidad utia'al u producir u clásico yéetel u moda telas oochel, incluyendo le materiales sombras bey: PVC, PP, P.D, MASCOTA, PC, gafas k'iino'’ adornos leti' encajes pergamino, etc..

    Asab, bey xan k meentik tonos nook' y lámparas nook' utia'al le clientes solicite ti' je'el Buka'aj je'el boonil, incluso le patrones yéetel diseños especiales yo'osal le pantallas yéetel lámparas.

    Ti' jump'éel t'aan, Bey proveedor telas iluminación superior yéetel nojoch ti' China, fabricamos tuláakal le tonos u nook' relacionados, lámparas nook', k'a'abetalo'ob u nook' utia'al u iluminación u clientes le yóok'ol kaaba'.

    Je'el diseño ka k'áatik yóok'ol le iluminación telas leti' telas, bienvenido contactar k.



  • XOOK K

    #3 Huaan Road Chuangye Area Caosan Industrial Park, Kaajil Guzhen noj u Zhongshan, Provincia u Guangdong,China.

    Móvil:0086 136 2270 3681
    Tel: +86-0760-22348167
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  • Mayaj
    Telas pantalla, Pantallas lámpara nook', Iluminación u nook' yéetel páajtal a.