They are new rattan and bamboo, ilaphu izibane shades, those made from our new shade and light materials. By our new shade and lamp materials, the designer and shade makers, lighting manufacturer can make their dream shades and lights for the restaurants, in any color, and size. ukuze wenze i-pleated kwintsapho kodwa imbonakalo eyahlukileyo kwiingubo zee-shades, with our technology support, Njengomvelisi womthunzi wesibane esiphezulu e-China …
Isibane sesibane Isimbo /SEBENZISA umthunzi wesibane setafile: sinokwenza umthunzi wesibane welaphu lePVC kwisibane seglowubhu : Round PVC Sphere and semi globe Lamp Shades Lamp shade Style /USE wall lamp shade, Round PVC Sphere kunye semi globe isibane Isibane Izithunzi Umthunzi wesibane Isimbo / SEBENZISA isibane sesibane eludongeni / Ubukhulu obuluhlaza obupinki obumthubi obumbhoxo obusongelwe izithunzi zesibane ezenziwe eTshayina umthunzi kunye nomthunzi wamalaphu umenzi we-MEGA efanelekile: umthunzi wesibane wesphere, , umthunzi wesibane ojikelezayo, isibane sesibane seglowubhu, Round PVC Sphere kunye semi globe isibane Isibane Izithunzi Umthunzi wesibane Isimbo / SEBENZISA isibane sesibane eludongeni …