rattan hard back lamp shades family from China shades and light materials supplier MEGAFITTING It is a new rattan lamp shades. All made by rattan and fabrics by metal frame. The rattan shades made in new design shades for restaurant and hospitality projects. Common size for diameter is 400 mm kwaye 500 isilivere esemva eqinile kunye nefilimu yegolide yePVC yesibane sesibane sePC yokukhanya okulengayo kwehotele kunye nendawo yokutyela eyenziwe kwinkampani yaseChina yomthunzi iMEGA, nabuphi na ubungakanani bespoke bukhona. …
Njengomthengisi we-shades yesibane esiphezulu e-China, kunye nomthunzi wesibane welaphu layo unokwenza zonke iintlobo zomthunzi wezibane ngumsebenzi onobuchule ngaphezulu, always do its best to make bespoke out lamp shades for designers and clients. Kwifoto, you can see our new outdoor custom made lamp shades. They are made in our lamp shade factory. ukuze wenze i-pleated kwintsapho kodwa imbonakalo eyahlukileyo kwiingubo zee-shades, if you want to make the out lamp shades by yourself, it is OK …