white string fabric lamp shades in rectangle design for pendant ligths and standing lamps made in china top shade factory MEGA LAMP SHADE FACTORY.
hajmi: 200 *400 qattiq orqa kumush va oltin plyonkali PVX kompyuter chiroqlari mehmonxona va restoranning marjonlari uchun Xitoyda ishlab chiqarilgan MEGA soyabon kompaniyasi..
made by white and silver string fabric rope.
rectangle shades.
the shades for pendant and standing lamps.
Xitoyda ishlab chiqarilgan, from the top lamp shade factory.
har bir karton bo'lak 50 baraban yumshoq orqa pliseli mato chiroq soyasi Xitoyda ishlab chiqarilgan.
Spiro dizayner mato chiroq soyasi 35 rmb / pc.
there is soft back protect in the inside of the shades.
custom made size and color is OK.