restoran uchun soya va yorug'lik
chiroq soyalari uchun kalamush to'qilgan namunalar
to'qilgan rattan chiroq soyasi materiallari
They are new rattan and bamboo, Chiroq soyasining HARP metall ramkasi, those made from our new shade and light materials.
By our new shade and lamp materials, the designer and shade makers, lighting manufacturer can make their dream shades and lights for the restaurants,
in any color, and size. bir oilada plili qilish uchun, lekin soyalar uchun matolarga boshqacha qarash, with our technology support, the customers could make so many shades and different designs for the lights and shades , in one word,
nothing is impossible for the shade and light makers to use our new materials.
As a China top shade and lights materials supplier, we have been developing and researching many new shades, shades fabric, shades bamboo, shades rattan, and lights materials for the customers around the world. bir oilada plili qilish uchun, lekin soyalar uchun matolarga boshqacha qarash, we will support the related technology for the shade makers and lighting manufacturer for their making and business.
The “yangi soya materiallari rattan va bambukdan tayyorlangan restoran uchun soya va yorug'lik va rangli mato soyalari”, “restoran uchun soya va yorug'lik”, just the part of our projects.
For more info to the shades, shades fabric, and materials of shade and lights, welcome to email us to get what you need and support.
Mega Fitting is here, ready to support your business, and making, qattiq orqa kumush va oltin plyonkali PVX kompyuter chiroqlari mehmonxona va restoranning marjonlari uchun Xitoyda ishlab chiqarilgan MEGA soyabon kompaniyasi. …….