why could the MGF be an outstanding manufacturer of lamp shade and the supplier of lamp shade fabrics with other shade accessories?
always takes care what the clients care!
Those, “Quality, Price, Service of one stop solution, Shipping, Надійний”, all are made better than other suppliers in the lamp shade and lighting industry of China.
МЕГАФІТИНГ, can make so many supports for the lamp shade maker, lighting distributor, lamp designer, interior designer and architect, and hotel owner, and restaurant fabric lamps supplier, and the bespoke fabric lamp and shades contractor, and custom-made fabric lamp supplier of shopping mall etc.
If you are a fabric lamp shade maker, you could get all lamp shade materials and the related technology support from us. Like all kinds of lamp shade fabrics, metal parts for the lamp shade making, and any question support from our lamp shade engineers and crafted shade masters.
If you a lighting and lamps distributor, you can buy all types of fabric lamp shades from of, and the repair knowledge, and the lampshade replacement service and support for your lamp shade business projects. We will update our lamp shade design, and new fabric lamp shades for your sustainable lamp and shade business. Make you outstand from your competitors.
If you are a hotel / restaurant owner or manager, we can supply the replaced lamp shades for your lamps and supply the relevant parts for you to repair your lamp shades in your hotel and restaurant.
If you are a designer for the lamp and shade, we can make out your idea from your designed drawing to a real lamp shade, and there are all materials, like shades’ fabrics, metal frame of lamp shade, in our stores for you to make a bespoke DIY lamp shade by yourself. We could supply many different fabrics, and innovative fabrics for your updated design, and all the technology and skill support for your new lamp shades during your design and making. Так, you can make us as one total lamp shade and shade materials supply stop for your lampshade and fabric lamps solution.
If you an enthusiast for the making of lamp shade and decorative objects, you get many new ideas on the lamp shade fabrics from us, and any technology and skill support from us. Any fabric lamps, fabric lampshades, any personal interest of shade of lamp shade is available for us.
If you are custom made lamp and lampshade manufacturer, you can get all bespoke fabrics and lamp shades from us, even more, we can supply the customized fabric lamps as per your design drawing and pictures. You can get any kinds of fabric for your custom-made fabric lamps and shades. We are happy to share our know-how making customized fabric lamp shades and lighting with you.
If you just would like to buy a fabric lamp shade and fabric lamps from us, It’s OK for to make a completely lamp or lamp shade for you including the shipment to your door. What it means that we can make a totally solution for you, once you tell us what fabric lamp and shade you want. What you need to do that is pay and get the fabric lamp and shade in your door.
If you just would like to know something on the fabric lampshade and fabric lamps, and fabrics of lampshade, even something interesting in our lampshade business before to do something with you, it is OK, to send us an email: megafitting@foxmail.com \\ sale@megafitting.com, or visit our website: www.megafitting.com
If you just start up your business in lampshade and lighting business, a new hand in the lamp & shade industry, it is lucky to meet us. Just take it easy! We are happy to share our knowledge and information on the fabric lamp and shade business with you, and send you some of new fabrics and updated lampshades for you. And the relevant technology and supplier of lamp and fabric shade for you. Any question on the lamp shade and fabrics of lamp shade, and fabric lamps, just contact us by email: megafitting@foxmail.com, OR, sale@megafitting.com. Finally, we have an important advice for you, to visit our website: MEGAFITTING.COM, to get some common sense first. That is vital for your long term and successful in the business of lamp shades. Good Luck!
Точно, МЕГАФІТИНГ, постачає рішення для виробника тканинних абажурів, та дистриб'ютори абажура та освітлення, Дизайнер лампи і абажура, Заміна готельної настільної лампи/настільної лампи/підвісного світильника/тканинного стельового світильника/тканинних світильників, Тканинні світильники ресторану та торгового центру на замовлення, Виробники освітлювальних і тканинних ламп по всьому світу, Хто не просто постачає матеріали для ламп і плафонів, але й, Технологічна підтримка та післяпродажне обслуговування. Це, 20 Років, a top and amazing supplier and manufacturer of lamp and fabric shades from China, and got a quality reputation in the lighting and lamp industry all over the world.
What usually the MEGAFITTING supply: fabric lamp shade, fabric of lamp shade, metal parts of lamp shade, lamp shade materials, lamp shade accessories, лампи з тканини, customized large lamp shades, hotel replaced fabric lamp shades, оздоблення лампового відтінку, finial of lamp shade, metal pipes of lamp shade, socket and holder of lamp shade, Кільцевий гвинт шестигранний гайкоть ліктьовий муфта Стояки для лампового відтінку,Деталі арфового металу для лампового відтінку, Перетворювач для тіні лампи з адаптованого E27 E14, Uno металеві кільцеві частини лампового відтінку, Павук кільце металеві частини лампового відтінку,Затискач на металевих деталях для лампового відтінку, adhesive PVC lining hard back of lamp shade, adhesive fabric tape of lamp shade, decorative beads of lamp shade, packing material OPP of lamp shade, E14 / E27 metal ring of lamp shade, bespoke lamp shade for the restaurant, custom made fabric lamp shade for the pendant lights.
How MEGAFITTING, is marketing more marketing jobs by the sales and marketing department, to support more and more customers around the world. It can make a totally solution for the shipment by sea and air for the clients in anywhere by anyway. The sales team can solve all problems and technology support by the lampshade training every week. The R&D always follow and check with the trends of lamp and shade markets with the customers and supplier. There are fabric samples / swatch of lamp shade for the clients before order. The sales team always could supply the color samples guard for the customers, when they order the cotton and linen fabrics for their lamps and shades.
MEGAFITTING is the top lamp shade and accessories supplier in China? Налічується понад 100,000 Вироби з тканин абажура в наших магазинах. У розділі 100 Інженери абажурів і майстер ремісничих відтінків можуть зробити будь-який вид і будь-який дизайн абажурів, які працюють у галузі абажурів для 10 Років. Усі освітлювальні компанії та фабрики абажурів у Китаї були і є нашими клієнтами, і, so will be. Компанія MEGAFITTING щомісяця оновлює матеріали та дизайн абажура на свій R&Відділ D.