» Bloglar » The biggest and largest lamp shade fabrics supplier in China

The biggest and largest lamp shade fabrics supplier in China

July 26, 2021

Daha fazlasına sahibiz 10000 fabrics in stock now, and update and update to our stock to add more items of shadefabrics in out showrooms. Daha fazlası, there are more 10000 items of fabric shadestrim designs in our showrooms now. Daha, our market department open and develop more lamp shades materials and lighting materials to support our customers around the wrold to help them make new and unique designs of lamp shade and lighting. There are so many items of fabrics of shades and related materials to match their lighting design. That is why the customers call us the largest and biggest supplier of lamp shade materials and lighting accessories in China.
Any question on lighting materials and shade fabrics, and lamp shadestechnology, we are happy to support our clients.
Just email us.

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    Tek kelimeyle, Çin'de en iyi ve büyük aydınlatma kumaşları tedarikçisi olarak, İlgili tüm kumaş tonlarını üretiyoruz, kumaş lambalar, ve dünyanın dört bir yanındaki müşterilere aydınlatma için kumaş aksesuarlar.

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    #3 Huaan Yolu Chuangye Bölgesi Caosan Endüstri Parkı, Guzhen Kasabası, Zhongshan Şehri, Guangdong Eyaleti,Çin.

    Cep:0086 136 2270 3681
    Tel: +86-0760-22348167
    E-posta: megafitting@foxmail.com

    E-posta: sale@megafitting.com

    Web: www.megafitting.com

  • Hizmet
    Abajur Kumaşları, Kumaş Abajurlar, Kumaş aydınlatma ve parçalar.