» Bloglar » pleated fabric lampshades with hard back from China lamp and shade factory MGF company

Çin lamba ve gölge fabrikası MGF şirketinden sert sırtlı pileli kumaş abajurlar

November 29, 2022

Pileli Kumaş Abajurlar Örnek Renkler Şimdi Mağazada 21112022 Pileli Kumaş Abajurlar Örnek Renkler Şimdi Mağazada 21112022


ready to ship 21112022jimmy ready to ship 21112022jimmy



The hot pleated fabric lampshades with hard back are in our stores now, which is all of them were made in our China lamp shade factory MEGAFITTING company.

Be a cloth lamp shade maker and designer in China, we have been always supplying the new and innovative pleated lampshade with hard back for the clients around the globe.

The pleated fabric hard back lampshades in many colours like red, beyaz, yeşil, mavi, siyah, sarı, and as other colors you can imagine.

For the sizes like diameter at 300mm, 400 Mm, 500 Mm, 600 Mm, 800 Mm, and any other sizes for bespoke size fabric pleated lampshade by the designers and bosses etc.

The metal frame of pleated fabric lamp shades could be at white and black, and chrome, and nickle, and gold as per the request of the clients and designers.

The fitting or ring of the metal in the metal frame of lamp shade can be fit for E14-E27-E26-E12 at diameter for D26-E40-E42 and so on.

For more details and designs of the pleated fabric lamp shade will be showed here later.

Elbette, the common colors of pleated fabric lamp shade are ready for ship in our stores and showrooms.

The common order for pleated fabric lampshade is needed 30 days to produce.




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    Daha, Biz de yapıyoruz kumaş tonları ve kumaş lambalar Müşterilerin isteği için herhangi bir boyut ve herhangi bir renk, gölgeler ve lambalar için özel desenler ve tasarımlar bile.

    Tek kelimeyle, Çin'de en iyi ve büyük aydınlatma kumaşları tedarikçisi olarak, İlgili tüm kumaş tonlarını üretiyoruz, kumaş lambalar, ve dünyanın dört bir yanındaki müşterilere aydınlatma için kumaş aksesuarlar.

    Aydınlatma kumaşları / kumaşları ile ilgili herhangi bir tasarım ve soru, Bize hoş geldiniz.




    #3 Huaan Yolu Chuangye Bölgesi Caosan Endüstri Parkı, Guzhen Kasabası, Zhongshan Şehri, Guangdong Eyaleti,Çin.

    Cep:0086 136 2270 3681
    Tel: +86-0760-22348167
    E-posta: megafitting@foxmail.com

    E-posta: sale@megafitting.com

    Web: www.megafitting.com

  • Hizmet
    Abajur Kumaşları, Kumaş Abajurlar, Kumaş aydınlatma ve parçalar.