» Blog » the craft and instruction of making plastic clamp on the fabric of lamp shade and how to save space for the design of plastic clamp with Velcro technology

the craft and instruction of making plastic clamp on the fabric of lamp shade and how to save space for the design of plastic clamp with Velcro technology

Juni 2, 2024

As a reliable and quality lamp shade materials supplier and fabric lamp shade factory, we are pleased to shared our skills and crafts for the customers/ designer/makers/ lighting business companies on the producing of fabric lamp shades. Now, we are going to show:

The craft and instruction of making plastic clamp on the fabric of lamp shade and how to save space for the design of plastic clamp with Velcro technology:




plasitc kubana ndani ya maelezo ya kivuli cha taa ya kitambaa

Katika picha, show the inside of fabric lamp shade, with metal wire how to fit with the plastic clamp, and the Velcro design how to save the space for the fabric lamp shade during packing and transportation.


Jinsi ya kutengeneza na kutoshea kamba ya plastiki kwenye trim ya kivuli cha taa ya kitambaa

It (the image) show hot to fit the plastic clamp from the PVC hard back on the fabric lamp shade.


kubuni na maelezo ya plastiki kubana na Velcro kwa kitambaa taa kivuli kuokoa nafasi kwa kivuli taa wakati wa meli na usafiri



maelezo na maagizo ya kufanya plastiki kubana ndani ya trim ya kitambaa taa kivuli



The Velcro design of fabric lamp shade, with plastic clamp in the images show and instruct how to make the fabric lamp shade with Velcro and plastic clamp.

The lamp shade smallest size could be D 200 and the largest fabric lamp shade can be D 1500 mm for the fabric lamp shade to use plastic clamp and Velcro design.

It is available for any kind of fabrics of lampshade.

The metal wire could be common D3.0 and D3.5 mm.

The plastic clamp can be inside on the PVC or/ and fabric of lamp shade.

If order fabric lamp shade with Velcro and plastic clamp, the MOQ is 50 Pande.

And need to email us before order, to confirm more details.




Unaweza pia kupenda


    Tuna kituo cha kuzalisha classic na mtindo Vitambaa vya kivuli, ikiwa ni pamoja na vifaa vya vivuli kama: PVC, Pp, PS, PET, PC, Vivuli’ trims/laces parchment nk..

    Zaidi, Sisi pia kufanya vivuli vya kitambaa Na taa za kitambaa kwa wateja ombi juu ya ukubwa wowote na rangi yoyote, hata mifumo maalum na miundo ya vivuli na taa.

    Kwa maneno moja, kama muuzaji wa juu na mkubwa wa vitambaa vya taa nchini China, Tunatengeneza vivuli vyote vinavyohusiana na kitambaa, taa za kitambaa, na vifaa vya kitambaa kwa ajili ya taa kwa wateja duniani kote.

    Ubunifu wowote na swali kuhusu vitambaa vya taa / nguo, Karibu kuwasiliana nasi.




    #3 Hifadhi ya Viwanda ya Huaan Road Chuangye Area Caosan, Mji wa Guzhen Zhongshan, Mkoa wa Guangdong,China.

    Simu:0086 136 2270 3681
    Tel: +86-0760-22348167
    Barua pepe: megafitting@foxmail.com

    Barua pepe: sale@megafitting.com

    Wavuti: www.megafitting.com

  • Huduma
    Vitambaa vya Lampshade, Vivuli vya kitambaa vya Lamp, Taa ya kitambaa na sehemu.