fabric lamps means that lighting made by fabrics with amazing design Fabric lamps in our website is what lighting made from our fabrics by the designer’ idea and our crafted workers’ hand. Kuna zaidi ya 10000 lighting fabrics in our factory, that help us to make many many different types and kinds of fabric lamps in small size and …
fabric lamps in different color Basing on the lighting fabrics, we can make the fabric lighting for customers in almost of all the fabric colors and the sizes what the clients’ need. When the customer tell us what design of lighting and the lighting drawings or photo, then, our factory can make out the fabric lamps accordingly.
Mega, China Top Shade Fabrics, vivuli vya taa ya kitambaa, na muuzaji wa taa za kitambaa, ambao wanaweza kutengeneza vivuli vilivyoboreshwa na taa za kitambaa kwa wateja.