» Tillbehör till nyanser och lampor » what we do usually to make us as one top lamp shade and lamp shade fabrics and shades accessories supplier in China

vad vi vanligtvis gör för att göra oss som en topp lampskärm och lampskärm tyger och nyanser tillbehör leverantör i Kina

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what we do usually to make us as one top lamp shade, och lampskärmstyger, and shades accessories supplier in China?

First of all, we will train and practice every month usually.

That makes our working team keep at a top level of producing skill, and knowledge, and let our engineers and workers, and designers get updated information with the lamp shades and lighting industry.

Andra, Our boss, and our team of R & D, will go to the lamp shade and lighting fairs, and get so many new designs, and new materials from the supplying market, and the competitors, Mer över, they go to visit our customers usually, to get the feedback and new demand, and learn more markets and products trends. Särskilt, our boss keep good touch with the largest lamp shade fabrics designers and suppliers from the fabric industry, to make us get the newest and innovative fabrics for the lamp shades, that helps us to make a large edge than other lamp shade makers and shade materials suppliers in China and the abroad.

Tredje, Our research and developing department, vanligen, working with the lighting designers, update and make 10 new designs for lamp shade every month in our showroom. The new design lamp shades, all from our lighting and lamp shades customersidea, and the new trend from the lighting and lampshade market, and many of them from our new lampshade fabrics, and our new lampshade technology, especially as the laser cut machine and printing machine growing up, some of new lampshades made by new craft works that the customers never see in the lamp shade and lighting market.

Fjärde, As one top lamp shade maker and lamp shade materials (lampshade fabrics) supplier, we are a top and good hub in the lighting industry and lamp shade business around the world. That helps us to get the newest and largest information from the lamp shade markets. It makes sense. We could get more information, make more designs, supply more lamp shades on new technology, know more about our customers and the lamp shade markets. It is a positive cycle for our lamp shade business, and for our quality customers.





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  • OM OSS

    Vi har möjlighet att producera det klassiska och fashionabla skugga tyger, inklusive nyanser material som: PVC, PP, PS, SÄLLSKAPSDJUR, PERSONDATOR, Nyanser’ puts/snören pergament m.m..

    Mer, vi gör också tyg nyanser och tyglampor för kundernas begäran om vilken storlek och vilken färg som helst, även de speciella mönstren och designerna för nyanser och lampor.

    Med ett ord, som en topp och stor leverantör av belysningstyger i Kina, vi tillverkar alla relaterade tyg nyanser, tyglampor, och tygtillbehör för belysning till kunder runt om i världen.

    Alla design och frågor om belysningstyger/tyger, välkommen att kontakta oss.




    #3 Huaan Road Chuangye-området Caosan Industripark, Guzhen stad Zhongshan Stad, Guangdongprovinsen,Kina.

    Mobil:0086 136 2270 3681
    Tel: +86-0760-22348167
    E-post: megafitting@foxmail.com

    E-post: sale@megafitting.com

    Webb: www.megafitting.com

  • Tjänst
    Lampskärmstyger, Nyanser av tyglampa, Tygbelysning & delar.