» Asesoris tina nuansa jeung lampu » hot fabric lamp shade made by laffey grass and rattan material during year 2023 Poliéster / Katun campuran sutra lawon 2024

hot fabric lamp shade made by laffey grass and rattan material during year 2023 Poliéster / Katun campuran sutra lawon 2024

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bahan panas pikeun lawon lamp shade dina taun 2023 Poliéster / Katun campuran sutra lawon 2024 Dina poto, urang hoyong bagikeun bahan populér pikeun lawon nuansa lampu dina sataun 2023 and year 2024.

As the new year 2024 coming up, we are gradually to make a conclusion and forecast for our materials of fabric lamp shades,

and designing trend of fabric lamp shade in the coming days.

nuansa lampu hotél jeung teuas deui jeung CE UL ROHS SERTIFIKAT MODERN jeung gaya kontemporer dijieun di china, our old customers and prospects could send us your email to: sale@megafitting.com to get our comment and conclusion for the trends and hot sale of fabric lamp shade materials and designs.

In our first article’s image as showed here, the RAFFIA MATERIAL/lAFFEY GRASS, Hexagonal Rattan, and natural rattan fabric are the most popular materials in the year 2023, certainly, we believe the coming year 2024 will be at the same for the fabric lamp shade industry trend. Tambih deui, we have the related innovative designs of fabric lamp shade for Raffia grass materials and rattan materials in our showroom. We will send to share our unique updated designs for our prospects and valued customers later.


All of the Raffia grass and rattan hexagonal materials can be designed and made in different size and shades for the fabric lamp shades to fit the demand of the markets.


As a top lamp shade fabrics and materials supplier in China, we are not only supply the materials for fabric lamp shades, Bespoke pleated lemes deui lawon lamp lampu minyak, produced the innovative designs of fabric lamp shades as to the market trends for our customers around the world. The more, we support the technology and craft support for the prospects to make lamp shade by their sides.


We will continue to supply our perfect solution for our customers by our designs and materials for the fabric lamp shades in the coming year 2024.

By the way, Happy New Year 2024! Everyone, let us do better in the fabric lamp shades.











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    Kami ngagaduhan fasilitas pikeun ngahasilkeun klasik sareng modis lawon ngiuhan, kaasup bahan nuansa kawas: PVC, PP, PS, PET, PC, Ngan terangkeun dimana anjeun hoyong ngajual lampu lampu’ trims / laces parchment jsb..

    Tambih deui, urang ogé nyieun nuansa lawon jeung lampu lawon pikeun konsumén nyuhunkeun ukuran naon waé sareng warna naon waé, bahkan pola sareng desain khusus pikeun nuansa sareng lampu.

    Dina hiji kecap, salaku supplier fabrics cahaya luhur jeung badag di Cina, urang rancang sagala nuansa lawon patali, lampu lawon, jeung asesoris lawon pikeun cahaya ka konsumén di sakuliah dunya.

    Sakur desain sareng patarosan ngeunaan lawon / lawon cahaya, wilujeng sumping ngahubungan kami.




    #3 Huaan Jalan Chuangye Area Caosan Industrial Park, Kota Guzhen Kota Zhongshan, Propinsi Guangdong,Bahan katutupan lampu.

    Mobile:0086 136 2270 3681
    Telp: +86-0760-22348167
    Anjeun tiasa kéngingkeun lampu lampu biasa kami di saham kami pikeun dijual di pasar anjeun: megafitting@foxmail.com

    Anjeun tiasa kéngingkeun lampu lampu biasa kami di saham kami pikeun dijual di pasar anjeun: sale@megafitting.com

    Web: www.megafitting.com

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