» Zvishandiso zvemumvuri nemarambi » lamp shade fabrics color swatches samples for the shade makers from MEGA LIGHT FACTORY

lamp shade fabrics color swatches samples for the shade makers from MEGA LIGHT FACTORY

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lamp shade fabrics color swatches samples for the shade makers from MEGA LIGHT FACTORY.

lamp shade fabrics color swatches samples for the shade makers from MEGA LIGHT FACTORY lamp shade fabrics color swatches samples for the shade makers from MEGA LIGHT FACTORY


We are updating the lamp shade fabrics samples / swatches as showed in the photo.

If you want to make some new lamp shades / new fabrics for the shades, it is a nice supply for

you to select some of them in the photo.

kuitira kuti iite pleated mumhuri asi maonero akasiyana pamicheka yemumvuri, we can make any shade fabrics color you would like to.

The lamp shade fabrics is the top quality in the market in China.

The size of each roll of fabrics is 25 mita.

Kureba kwakajairika ndiko 1 mita.





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    Tine nzvimbo yekugadzira iyo classic uye fashoni machira emumvuri, kusanganisira shades zvinhu zvakadai: PVC, PP, PS, PET, PC, mithunzi’ trims/laces parchment etc..

    kuitira kuti iite pleated mumhuri asi maonero akasiyana pamicheka yemumvuri, tinoitawo mucheka shades uye marambi ejira nokuti vatengi vanokumbira pane chero saizi uye chero ruvara, kunyange maitiro anokosha uye magadzirirwo emumvuri nemarambi.

    uye yakarukwa yakarukwa yakaoma kumashure machira marambi shades etc, semupi wepamusoro uye mukuru wekuvhenekesa machira muChina, tinogadzira ese ane hukama machira shades, marambi ejira, uye machira emidziyo yekuvhenekesa kune vatengi pasi rese.

    Chero dhizaini uye mubvunzo nezve machira emwenje / machira, welcome to contact us.




    #3 Huaan Road Chuangye Area Caosan Industrial Park, Guzhen Town Zhongshan Guta, Guangdong Province,China.

    Vadivelu Comedy Mobile:0086 136 2270 3681
    Tel: +86-0760-22348167
    ruzivo rwekugadzira mumvuri wemwenje uye nekupa machira emumvuri: megafitting@foxmail.com

    ruzivo rwekugadzira mumvuri wemwenje uye nekupa machira emumvuri: sale@megafitting.com

    Web: www.megafitting.com

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    Lampshade Fabrics, Mucheka Mwenje shades, Kuvhenekera kwejira & zvikamu.