hotel lamp shades with hard back and CE UL ROHS CERTIFICATE MODDERN AND contemporary style made in china
hotel lamp shades with hard back and CE UL ROHS CERTIFICATE MODDERN AND contemporary style made in china
We just updated some of lamp shades for the hotel.
They are in many many colors and sizes for the hotel table lamp and standing lamps.
kuitira kuti iite pleated mumhuri asi maonero akasiyana pamicheka yemumvuri, we can make the fabric lamp shades for the hotel pendant lights and ceiling lights.
Kana iwe uchida chero marambi emwenje emahotera ako kana uchida bespoke mwenje mumvuri wehotera yako uye imwe imba yekugara,
Kana iwe uchida chero marambi emwenje emahotera ako kana uchida bespoke mwenje mumvuri wehotera yako uye imwe imba yekugara.
kuitira kuti iite pleated mumhuri asi maonero akasiyana pamicheka yemumvuri, Kana iwe uchida chero marambi emwenje emahotera ako kana uchida bespoke mwenje mumvuri wehotera yako uye imwe imba yekugara.
Kana iwe uchida chero marambi emwenje emahotera ako kana uchida bespoke mwenje mumvuri wehotera yako uye imwe imba yekugara.
Kana iwe uchida chero marambi emwenje emahotera ako kana uchida bespoke mwenje mumvuri wehotera yako uye imwe imba yekugara.