» Blog » fabric lamps means that lighting made by fabrics with amazing design

marambi emucheka zvinoreva kuti kuvhenekera kunoitwa nemicheka ine dhizaini inoshamisa

Chikunguru 29, 2021

marambi emucheka zvinoreva kuti kuvhenekera kunoitwa nemicheka ine dhizaini inoshamisa

Marambi emucheka in our website is what lighting made from our fabrics by the designeridea and our crafted workershand. Kune akawanda kupfuura 10000 lighting fabrics in our factory, that help us to make many many different types and kinds of fabric lamps in small size and large size, and any size for customized lighting. plissee dhizaini yakaoma jira rambi mumvuri wakagadzirwa muchina mwenje mumvuri uye mumvuri zvinhu fekitori winkle jira mumvuri foto, the different fabrics make us to make different styles of lighting, like modern, classic, aqua, kids etc. If you are a designer or have any plan to make your own style of lighting,you can contact us to get the fabrics photo and swatch, zvino, to make your idea fabric lighting. If you are a lighting distributor, need to make some classic lighting, or make a difference for your existed lighting, you can ask us to make some help. We can make many help of the lighting supply from the lighting fabrics.



Pamwe unofarirawo


    Tine nzvimbo yekugadzira iyo classic uye fashoni machira emumvuri, kusanganisira shades zvinhu zvakadai: PVC, PP, PS, PET, PC, mithunzi’ trims/laces parchment etc..

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    Chero dhizaini uye mubvunzo nezve machira emwenje / machira, welcome to contact us.




    #3 Huaan Road Chuangye Area Caosan Industrial Park, Guzhen Town Zhongshan Guta, Guangdong Province,China.

    Vadivelu Comedy Mobile:0086 136 2270 3681
    Tel: +86-0760-22348167
    ruzivo rwekugadzira mumvuri wemwenje uye nekupa machira emumvuri: megafitting@foxmail.com

    ruzivo rwekugadzira mumvuri wemwenje uye nekupa machira emumvuri: sale@megafitting.com

    Web: www.megafitting.com

  • Service
    Lampshade Fabrics, Mucheka Mwenje shades, Kuvhenekera kwejira & zvikamu.