Spiro oblikovalec tkanine svetilke odtis
We are one of top lamp shade makers in China, usually, we supply the OEM producing for many lamp shade brands’ vendor around the world. And the
Spiro designer fabric lamp shade is one of the special order from our customers.
As per the customer’ particular design to make the fabric lamp shade in spiro shade that is not the common shade in the lamp shade market, and for the spiro lamp shade we can make it different fabrics to make it in special looks. That means our designers or our customers can ask us to make the spiro lamp shade in what fabrics they want, and make in any size to shade it in spiro design.
1, Can you make small order, or bespoke only one lamp shade on quantity order for lamp shade order?
A: Da. Any order is available for us, just send us email for confirm before order.
2, Can you make any promise on the packing during shipping?
A: Da, we take all of responsibility by our side.
3, How did you pack your lamp shades?
A: Normally by cart with the support details inside.
For different shade, we have different solution for packing, will let you now, after your order.
4, Can you ship your lamp shade to our location?
A: Da, we have the shipping solution for our customers around the world. Just let us know your city, we will send you the shipping solution.
5, Can you make our sizes lamp shade?
A: Da, any size is available for us.
6, Can you make our logo on the lamp shade and carton packing?
A: Da, just let us your logo details. We will make the logo for you when you order.
7, Can you send me the samples / mock-up before lamp shade mass order?
A: Da, sample is OK for us.
8, Can you supply the samples / swatch of lamp shade fabrics?
A: Da, we make that usually for the new customers.
9, Can tell us what is the hot sale of fabric lamp shades?
A: Da, we have many customers around the world, we understand that and happy to support our customers.
10, Can you make a lamp shade marketing support or lamp shade sale proposal for us?
A: Da. We are happy to share our info and knowledge with our customers. Send us your request and info, we will share our lamp shade sale marketing for you.
How to make a fabric lamp shade order on us?
Odgovoriti: Običajno, send us the sizes of lamp shade what you want to make, for example: the top size * bottom size* slant height. The size by inch or / and cm/mm, all is OK for us.
Potem, let us which fabric you would like to use, like cotton or linen etc.
Finally, if you would like to use some trimming or other décor for the lamp shade, to show and let us know. That is all.
How to measure a fabric lamp shade?
Odgovoriti: Običajno, we classify the shades at 3 types: A: Round shades, B: Rectangle / Oval shades, C: Square shades. On the specific details how to mark down the size, please see our below drawing. Can see the drawing to know more details how to measure the size of a oval lampshade:

how to measure a shade
How to get the fabric materials and colors for your order fabric lamp shades?
Odgovoriti: You can download our catalogs of fabrics for lamp shade in our website, or send us an email to get the e-catalog for what you want. Točno, for the fabric colors, we can make any color for your fabric lamp shades. Additionally, as the development of technology on lamp shad making, we can print any design / vaš logotip s katero koli barvo za vaše sanjske senčila. Preizkusite nas in preizkusite naročilo pri nas, Našli boste neverjetnega izdelovalca senčil iz tkanine, ki bo podprl vaše poslovanje s senčniki.
Ali lahko pošljete nekaj novih modelov tkanin za našo referenco, da naredite posodobljeno naročilo senčnikov?
Odgovoriti: Da, Naša R&D se vedno potrudimo, da posodobimo oblikovalska opravila, da bi podprli naše poslovanje s senčniki iz tkanine. Posodabljamo tkanine in modele senčil, da bi bilo poslovanje naših strank s senčniki vedno boljše.
Ali nam lahko pred množičnim naročilom dostavite vzorce monterjev senčil??
Odgovoriti: Da, Lahko vam dobavimo vse vrste monterjev senčil za vaš pregled in odobritev pred naročilom. Če potrebujete poseben zaključek / barva za monterja senčilnikov / kovinski obroč / pralni stroj, Prosimo, da nam to sporočite pred pošiljanjem, ki morda potrebujejo nekaj več časa za proizvodnjo.
Ali je vaš monter senčnikov / podložke, primerne za ameriški in evropski tržni standard?
Odgovoriti: Da, imamo rešitve za ZDA in evro trge. Samo sporočite, kje želite prodati senčila svetilk, Lahko se ujemamo z ustreznimi monterji / podložke za senčila svetilk. Umiri se, Skrbeli bomo in lahko poskrbimo za vse podrobnosti in standarde za senčila svetilk, ki bodo podpirali vaše poslovanje s prodajo senčil.
Ali nam lahko poveste, kdo so vaše stranke na našem trgu??
Odgovoriti: Oprosti, Na trgu moramo zaščititi naše stare stranke. To je poslovna skrivnost za poslovanje s senčniki.
Koliko let ste izdelovali senčnike iz tkanine?
Odgovoriti: AHHA, Že dolgo pred leti je tiho. Imamo več kot 20 Let / Izkušnje pri izdelavi senčil in dobavi tkanin za senčila / materiali za naše stranke na Kitajskem. Zato smo poklicani eden najboljših proizvajalcev senčil na Kitajskem.
Ali imate na zalogi nekaj senčnikov, ki jih lahko hitro pošljete na našo prodajo senčil?
Odgovoriti: Da, imamo več kot 1000 kvadratnih metrov skladišča za skladiščenje naših skupnih senčil. Naše običajne senčnike lahko dobite na naši zalogi za prodajo na vašem trgu.
About the washers and fitters for the lamp shades:

More designs for the lamp shades:

For more types of fabric lamp shades, and any technology, craftworks of the lamp shades, and marketing support to sale the lamp shades, we will be happy to supply the support for you as an outstanding lamp shade maker and shade fabrics supplier. Just send us the email: megafitting@foxmail.com
Good luck for all the lamp shade wholesale and detailers around the world, let us work hard together to make the lamps look more beauty, and light up the world more amazing from our works.