2024 Hexagon hole weaving rattan lamp shade for pendant light made in China lampshade factory MEGAFITTING. 2024 New Hexagon hole weaving rattan fabric lamp shade: Materiál: rattan. The design can be made by either nature or artificial material. Veľkosť: D600 mm * H 250 mm The Ring/fitting: E27. The trim: Black. The Shade: Round. MOQ: 50 Počítačov. Sale for B2B …
round hard back 2 tiers pendant lamp shades made by hard back fabrics and rattan material from China. We are using our new rattan material and fabrics to make the new pendant lamp shades for the hotel and restaurant etc. Their common sizes are diameter 450 Mm, a 350 Mm, for more bespoke sizes are available. They are …
custom large rattan lamp shade for pendant light made in china megafitting shade and shade materials factory As a trusted lam shade and shade materials, Dodávateľ tieniacich látok, Vyrábame len veľké ratanové tienidlo lampy pre veľký projekt. Vlastná veľkosť je priemer 1000 Mm, a výška pre 1600 Mm. Materiál je hnedý ratan. There is …
wicker and rattan lamp shades and lights from china maker MEGA In our factory, we are making the bespoke wicker and rattan lamp shades, and lights for a big project. In the photo, you can see the new design of wicker lamp shades, and rattan shades in our factory. Any size and design shades …
They are new rattan and bamboo, Látkové tienidlá na lampy, those made from our new shade and light materials. By our new shade and lamp materials, the designer and shade makers, lighting manufacturer can make their dream shades and lights for the restaurants, in any color, and size. Viacej, with our technology support, the customers …
odtieň ratanovej prútenej lampy pre závesné svetlá z Číny horný odtieň lampy ratanové prútené materiály dodávateľ: As a top lamp shade materials supplier and lamp shades maker, we just update our new …