» Blog » silk ribbon fabric lamp shade

silk ribbon fabric lamp shade

November 10, 2022

silk ribbon fabric lamp shade


silk ribbon fabric lamp shade silk ribbon fabric lamp shade



MEGAFITTING is a leading manufacturer of high-quality fabric lamp shades and lamp shade fabrics. We are proud to introduce our latest product, the Silk Ribbon Lamp Shade, available in elegant white and a variety of colors including black, red, blue, a zelená.

Our Silk Ribbon Lamp Shade is crafted from the finest materials and features a unique design that complements a variety of lighting applications. With diameters of 300mm and 600mm, our shade sizes are suitable for ceiling and pendant lights as well as table and floor lamps. We also offer bespoke sizes for clients with specific requirements.

Our Silk Ribbon Lamp Shade is designed to enhance the beauty of your home or office with its sleek and modern design. It is perfect for those who appreciate quality and style. We are confident that you will love this beautiful new addition to our product line.

As a leading manufacturer, we take pride in our commitment to providing exceptional customer service. We are dedicated to ensuring that each of our products meets the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship. Our experienced team is always available to answer any questions you may have and to help you find the perfect lighting solution for your space.

If you are interested in learning more about our Silk Ribbon Lamp Shade or any of our other products, please contact us today. We are excited to bring you the best in lamp shade design and manufacturing.







Možno sa vám tiež páči

  • O NÁS

    Máme zariadenie na výrobu klasických a módnych tieniace tkaniny, vrátane odtieňov, materiálov, ako sú:: PVC, Pp, Ps, Domáce zviera, Osobný počítač, Odtiene’ ozdoby/šnúrky, pergamen atď..

    Viacej, Vyrábame aj Odtiene látok a látkové lampy pre požiadavky zákazníkov na akúkoľvek veľkosť a akúkoľvek farbu, dokonca aj špeciálne vzory a vzory pre tienidlá a lampy.

    Jedným slovom, ako špičkový a veľký dodávateľ svetelných tkanín v Číne, Vyrábame všetky príbuzné odtiene látok, látkové lampy, a látkové doplnky na osvetlenie pre zákazníkov po celom svete.

    Akýkoľvek dizajn a otázka týkajúca sa osvetľovacích látok / látok, Vitajte a kontaktujte nás.




    #3 Priemyselný park Huaan Road Chuangye Area Caosan, Mesto Guzhen Mesto Zhongshan, Provincia Guangdong,Čína.

    Mobilný:0086 136 2270 3681
    Tel: +86-0760-22348167
    E-mail: megafitting@foxmail.com

    E-mail: sale@megafitting.com

    Web: www.megafitting.com

  • Služba
    Tkaniny tienidiel, Fabric Lamp tienidlá, Textilné osvetlenie a diely.