» Blog » new design fabric by painting craft skill made in China 2023

new design fabric by painting craft skill made in China 2023

April 3, 2023

new design fabric by painting craft skill made in China 2023:



new design fabric by painting craft skill made in China 2023 new design fabric by painting craft skill made in China 2023


The is a new design and new technology, and crafted skill for lamp shade in the lighting markets 2023.

At our lamp shade fabric company, we specialize in providing top-quality materials and designs to clients around the world. We are pleased to announce our latest product: a new soft back lamp shade fabric made with a unique painting design technique.

Our painting design fabric is crafted with the finest materials and features a one-of-a-kind design that sets it apart from other lamp shade fabrics on the market. With a width of 1480mm and a roll length of up to 25 meters, this fabric is perfect for clients looking to add sophisticated and distinctive elements to their lighting products.

We take pride in providing exceptional customer service, and our team is always available to answer any questions and provide assistance with your lamp shade fabric needs. If you’re interested in learning more about our painting design fabric or our other innovative lamp shade materials, please contact us. We would be happy to discuss which products would work best for your specific needs and requirements.

As we continue to update our product line, you can trust us to provide high-quality materials and innovative designs that meet your expectations. Thank you for considering us for all your lamp shade fabric needs.





Možno sa vám tiež páči

  • O NÁS

    Máme zariadenie na výrobu klasických a módnych tieniace tkaniny, vrátane odtieňov, materiálov, ako sú:: PVC, Pp, Ps, Domáce zviera, Osobný počítač, Odtiene’ ozdoby/šnúrky, pergamen atď..

    Viacej, Vyrábame aj Odtiene látok a látkové lampy pre požiadavky zákazníkov na akúkoľvek veľkosť a akúkoľvek farbu, dokonca aj špeciálne vzory a vzory pre tienidlá a lampy.

    Jedným slovom, ako špičkový a veľký dodávateľ svetelných tkanín v Číne, Vyrábame všetky príbuzné odtiene látok, látkové lampy, a látkové doplnky na osvetlenie pre zákazníkov po celom svete.

    Akýkoľvek dizajn a otázka týkajúca sa osvetľovacích látok / látok, Vitajte a kontaktujte nás.




    #3 Priemyselný park Huaan Road Chuangye Area Caosan, Mesto Guzhen Mesto Zhongshan, Provincia Guangdong,Čína.

    Mobilný:0086 136 2270 3681
    Tel: +86-0760-22348167
    E-mail: megafitting@foxmail.com

    E-mail: sale@megafitting.com

    Web: www.megafitting.com

  • Služba
    Tkaniny tienidiel, Fabric Lamp tienidlá, Textilné osvetlenie a diely.