» Blog » lamp shade fabrics linen, sackcloth, cambric, burlap fabric

lamp shade fabrics linen, sackcloth, cambric, burlap fabric

Október 20, 2022

lamp shade fabrics linen, sackcloth, cambric, burlap fabric

lamp shade fabrics linen, sackcloth, cambric, burlap fabric lamp shade fabrics linen, sackcloth, cambric, burlap fabric


Tienidlo lampy z pytloviny Tienidlo lampy z pytloviny



Burlap fabrics lamp shade is made by the fabrics called: bielizeň, sackcloth, cambric, burlap fabric.

We can make it at any sizes for the customers around the world.

And there are red, and white, and black colors, a viac, for the designers and customers in all of the world.

The Burlap fabric lamp shade can be matched for the table lamp and pendant lights, and floor lamp, and ceiling light etc.

All of burlap lamp shade are made in our China MEGAFITTING lampshade factory, in where we produce the fabric lamp shades, and lamp shade fabrics, and lamp shade metals, and all the parts of the lamp shade to the whole market of the world.

Any fabric burlap lamp shade is not problem to make by our crafted masters, and any new and leading shades of burlap fabric could be found in our showroom and warehouse, because we are the market leader at the burlap lamp shade in the lighting and lamp industry.

All designers of lamp shade in China and abroad, were, are, and will come to visit and find the new burlap lamp shades, and other fabric lamp shade in our company.

If you need any kinds of fabric lamp shades, welcome to send us an email, and make an appointment with us.


Možno sa vám tiež páči

  • O NÁS

    Máme zariadenie na výrobu klasických a módnych tieniace tkaniny, vrátane odtieňov, materiálov, ako sú:: PVC, Pp, Ps, Domáce zviera, Osobný počítač, Odtiene’ ozdoby/šnúrky, pergamen atď..

    Viacej, Vyrábame aj Odtiene látok a látkové lampy pre požiadavky zákazníkov na akúkoľvek veľkosť a akúkoľvek farbu, dokonca aj špeciálne vzory a vzory pre tienidlá a lampy.

    Jedným slovom, ako špičkový a veľký dodávateľ svetelných tkanín v Číne, Vyrábame všetky príbuzné odtiene látok, látkové lampy, a látkové doplnky na osvetlenie pre zákazníkov po celom svete.

    Akýkoľvek dizajn a otázka týkajúca sa osvetľovacích látok / látok, Vitajte a kontaktujte nás.




    #3 Priemyselný park Huaan Road Chuangye Area Caosan, Mesto Guzhen Mesto Zhongshan, Provincia Guangdong,Čína.

    Mobilný:0086 136 2270 3681
    Tel: +86-0760-22348167
    E-mail: megafitting@foxmail.com

    E-mail: sale@megafitting.com

    Web: www.megafitting.com

  • Služba
    Tkaniny tienidiel, Fabric Lamp tienidlá, Textilné osvetlenie a diely.