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laser cut lamp shade from china lamp shade and shade materials suppllier MGF

laser cut lamp shade from china lamp shade and shade materials suppllier MGF

laser cut lamp shade from China lamp shade and shade materials supplier MGF As one top manufacturer of lamp shade and lamp shade fabrics, and shade materials, MGG LAMP SHADE COMPANY. can make any design and patter on the lamp shades by the laser cut. Our laser cut fabric lamp shade, can make any design for the designer and customers

Tienidlo lampy z pytloviny

lamp shade fabrics linen, sackcloth, cambric, burlap fabric

lamp shade fabrics linen, sackcloth, cambric, burlap fabric Burlap fabrics lamp shade is made by the fabrics called: bielizeň, sackcloth, cambric, burlap fabric. We can make it at any sizes for the customers around the world. And there are red, and white, and black colors, a viac, for the designers and customers in all of the world. …

new trims for the fabric lamp shades from China lamp and shade maker MGF

new trims for the fabric lamp shades from China lamp and shade maker MGF

new trims for the fabric lamp shades from China lamp and shade maker MGF We, just update a series of new decorative trims for the fabric lamp shade. One of them is designed from the idea of ChineseREN”, could be in different colors like red, čierny, and off-white, and white and more. The common size is

pergamenové textilné materiály na výrobu tienidiel

Komu sa zaujíma pergamen tienidla lampy a tienidlá pergamenovej lampy

Komu sa zaujíma pergamen tienidla lampy a tienidlá pergamenovej lampy: Milí naši priatelia,, a potenciálnych klientov: My, Všetci vedia, že pergamen je úžasný a kvalitný textilný / papierový materiál na výrobu tienidiel, a tienidlá pergamenovej lampy, ako tienidlo pergamenovej stolovej lampy, a pergamenový odtieň pre stolové svetlo …

desk lamp shade for reading lights

paper and fabrics lamp shades for the replacement of hotel lamps

paper and fabrics lamp shades for the replacement of hotel lamps, and designers, and lighting distributors: The lamp shades are usually made from the paper and fabrics materials in MEGAFITTING LAMP AND SHADE FACTORY, whose slogan isDon’t ask what the customer can do for you, just ask what you can do for the customer! ” Many of the hotel

Japanese WASHI paper for lamp shade from China MEGAFITTING lamp shade materials factory

Japanese WASHI paper for lamp shade from China MEGAFITTING lamp shade materials factory

Japanese WASHI paper for lamp shade from China MEGAFITTING lamp shade materials factory:       Japanese WASHI paper and SIWA paper is one kind of quality lamp shade materials / fabrics for the lighting and lamp shade makers around the world. MEGAFITTING, produces this kind of Japan paper in different colors, like white and beige, and yellow, to support

Repair and replacement of the lampshade of hotels

Repair and replacement of the lampshade of hotels

Repair and replacement of the lampshade of hotels As a top lamp shade and lamp shade materials supplier in China, we have been supplying repair and replacement of the lampshade for hotels and villas, and luxury restaurant more than 20 years around the world, especially for the luxury hotels like Westin, Hayatt, and Hilton Marriott hotels. Many of the

prispôsobené tienidlo lampy pre hotelovú stolovú lampu, stojaciu lampu, stropné svietidlo, závesné a lustrové svietidlo, nástenné svietidlá, nástenné svietidlá atď

prispôsobené tienidlo lampy pre hotelovú stolovú lampu, stojaciu lampu, stropné svietidlo, závesné a lustrové svietidlo, nástenné svietidlá, nástenné svietidlá atď

customized lamp shade for hotel table lamp floor lamp ceiling light pendant and chandelier lamp wall light sconces and so on We are an amazing lamp shade and fabric of lamp shade maker in China. We have been made more than 100,000 pieces lamp shades for the hotels and restaurant around the world. The lamp shades in hotel

materiály tieňa prútenej ratanovej lampy

Bambusové tkanie tvrdých zadných tkanín pre tienidlo lampy

bamboo weaving hard back fabrics for lamp shade We are a professional lamp shade and fabrics of lamp shade manufacturer in China, supplying all kinds of lamp shade materials: not only the lamp shade fabrics, rattan, bamboo, wicker, but also the trims of lamp shade, and lamp shade fabric tapes in all colors, and lamp shade hardback like

Netkané textílie na tienenie lampy

Netkané textílie na tienenie lampy

Non-woven fabrics for lamp shade As a top lamp shade fabrics supplier, a výrobcovia tienidiel na lampy v Číne, netkanú textíliu môžeme dodať pre výrobcov tienidiel a v našej továrni na tienidlá na lampy. Normálne, naša netkaná textília v bielej a čiernej farbe. A veľkosť netkaných textílií by sa dala rezať v akejkoľvek veľkosti pre tienidlá na lampy. They are normally

new pleated fabric with hard back for lamp shade

new pleated fabric with hard back for lamp shade

new pleated fabric with hard back for lamp shade We are updating a new PVC hard back pleated fabric for lamp shade. There is stream / line in the fabric to make it in a new design in pleated shade. There is PVC hard back to support the fabric to make a tube cylinder shade. Tá …

share my idea how to be a outstanding lamp shade and shade fabrics maker in the lighting industry

share my idea how to be a outstanding lamp shade and shade fabrics maker in the lighting industry

share my idea how to be a outstanding lamp shade and shade fabrics maker in the lighting industry After to know what one wants to achieve then he can make his goal. after to make one’s goal then he can be at his calmness. after at one’s calmness then he can be in reasonable state. after in one’s reasonable

  • O NÁS

    Máme zariadenie na výrobu klasických a módnych tieniace tkaniny, vrátane odtieňov, materiálov, ako sú:: PVC, Pp, Ps, Domáce zviera, Osobný počítač, Odtiene’ ozdoby/šnúrky, pergamen atď..

    Viacej, Vyrábame aj Odtiene látok a látkové lampy pre požiadavky zákazníkov na akúkoľvek veľkosť a akúkoľvek farbu, dokonca aj špeciálne vzory a vzory pre tienidlá a lampy.

    Jedným slovom, ako špičkový a veľký dodávateľ svetelných tkanín v Číne, Vyrábame všetky príbuzné odtiene látok, látkové lampy, a látkové doplnky na osvetlenie pre zákazníkov po celom svete.

    Akýkoľvek dizajn a otázka týkajúca sa osvetľovacích látok / látok, Vitajte a kontaktujte nás.




    #3 Priemyselný park Huaan Road Chuangye Area Caosan, Mesto Guzhen Mesto Zhongshan, Provincia Guangdong,Čína.

    Mobilný:0086 136 2270 3681
    Tel: +86-0760-22348167
    E-mail: megafitting@foxmail.com

    E-mail: sale@megafitting.com

    Web: www.megafitting.com

  • Služba
    Tkaniny tienidiel, Fabric Lamp tienidlá, Textilné osvetlenie a diely.