» Accesorii de nuanțe și lămpi » Water-grain stainless steel finish effective PVC polystyrene new material for lamp shades in China 2023

Finisaj din oțel inoxidabil cu granulație de apă, material nou eficient din polistiren PVC pentru abajururi de lămpi în China 2023

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WATER grain design and stainless steel effective polystyrene innovative material for lamp shade


Water-grain stainless steel finish Polystyrene PS fabric lamp shade hard back new material in gold and silver Water-grain stainless steel finish Polystyrene PS fabric lamp shade hard back new material in gold and silver


WATER grain design and stainless steel effective polystyrene innovative mateiral for lamp shade in the light WATER grain design and stainless steel effective polystyrene innovative mateiral for lamp shade in the light


WATER grain design and stainless steel effective polystyrene innovative mateiral for lamp shade in transparent WATER grain design and stainless steel effective polystyrene innovative mateiral for lamp shade in transparent


WATER grain design and stainless steel effective polystyrene innovative mateiral for lamp shade WATER grain design and stainless steel effective polystyrene innovative mateiral for lamp shade


Finisaj din oțel inoxidabil cu granulație de apă, material nou eficient din polistiren PVC pentru abajururi de lămpi în China 2023 Finisaj din oțel inoxidabil cu granulație de apă, material nou eficient din polistiren PVC pentru abajururi de lămpi în China 2023



Great news!!!

we just made an innovative polystyrene PS film new material for lamp shade in water grain design and stainless-steel finish with transparent lighting rendering in our factory.

The feature for this new material of fabric lamp shade:

1, The material is made from POLYSTYRENE, that is hard enough for hard back lamp shade, with

photopermeability when it lights up from the bulb (translucent).

2, There are water grain designs on the finish/face of the material, which is never been seen and designed in the lamp shade materials.

Deci, it is amazing and inspiration for the designers to make the innovative lamp and shades.

3, It is PS, better translucent than PVC, and harder than PP, more, it is ok for both in gold and silver. It is so amazing in the color and material of poly styrene.

4, The finish/effective of design, looks like stainless steel, and better price than stainless steel. Deci, it is perfect for the deor design to make a design in top quality and high end with good price.

5, The lighting effects / transparence for lights, is so nice, when lights go through the polystyrene material of lamp shade. If the designers want to get a warm effect, they can use the gold finish of PS material, and modern or cool effects, the silver one is better for lamp shade and decor lightings.

Additionally, we are making a new one polystyrene PS material for lamp shade in colorful finish /face in the coming months, just and wait and see…..

For more new lamp shade materials and innovative ones for the lamp and shades, just keep in touch with our website: MEGAFITTING.


































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    Avem facilitatea de a produce clasic și la modă țesături de umbră, inclusiv nuante materiale cum ar fi: PVC, Pp, Ps, ALINTA, Pc, Nuante’ pergament de tapiterie/șireturi etc..

    Mai mult, facem, de asemenea, nuanțe de țesături și lămpi de țesături pentru clienții solicita pe orice dimensiune și orice culoare, chiar și modelele și modelele speciale pentru nuanțe și lămpi.

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    Orice design și întrebare despre țesături de iluminat / pânză, bine ati venit sa ne contactati.




    #3 Huaan Road Chuangye Zona Caosan Industrial Park, Guzhen Town Zhongshan City, Provincia Guangdong,China.

    Mobil:0086 136 2270 3681
    Tel: +86-0760-22348167
    E-mail: megafitting@foxmail.com

    E-mail: sale@megafitting.com

    Web: www.megafitting.com

  • Serviciu
    Abajur țesături, Fabric lampă nuanțe, Iluminatul țesăturilor și piesele.