» Blog » Repair and replacement of the lampshade of hotels

Reparação e substituição do abajur dos hotéis

September 30, 2022

Reparação e substituição do abajur dos hotéis


Reparação e substituição do abajur dos hotéis Reparação e substituição do abajur dos hotéis

As a top lamp shade and lamp shade materials supplier in China, we have been supplying repair and replacement of the lampshade for hotels and villas, and luxury restaurant more than 20 years around the world, especially for the luxury hotels like Westin, Hayatt, and Hilton Marriott hotels.

Many of the hotel lampshades are made by fabrics, as the year goes, they are aging and becoming not new and good for the lamps. Então, the hotels have to update and make some new and innovative fabric lamp shades for their hotels. The decor lamp shades are vital for the hotel furnishing and important for the hotel business and customers. We understand that, how important it is for the hotels. That is why we supply the service of repair and replacement of lamp shade for the hotel to support their business in success. We are happy to make hotel deco in beauty by our new and amazing fabric lamp shade.

We can supply all colors and all kinds of materials for the hotel lamp shades.

Our lamp shade engineers can make any size and customized shades for the hotel lamp shades.

We have all materials to repair and replace the lamp shades.

We have good lamp shade metal maker to make the lamp shade metal in any finish and shades, like white and black, round and square and so on.

We have a good team to ship the hotel lamp shade in time to anywhere of the hotels in the world.

We make all the hotel lamp shades in China to make sure the lamp shades in a reasonable price for our clients.

Our team can help the hotel to measure and understand how to order a new lamp shade for their hotels.

Our fabric lamp shade showroom can show the updated and amazing fabrics for the hotel lamp shades.

We can supply the design for the hotel lamp shades.


We are not just supply the fabric lamp shade, but, the rattan, and bamboo, PP, metal lamp shades for the hotels.

We are happy to supply our knowledge on the lamp shade production for the hotel owner to improve and update their hotel lamp shades.

For more about information and support for the hotel lamp shades, Bem-vindo ao Envie-nos um e-mail.

We are looking forward to making a nice cooperation with the hotel for the hotel lamp shade update.




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  • Quem somos

    Temos facilidade para produzir o clássico e a moda tecidos de sombra, incluindo os materiais de sombras como: PVC, PP, PS, ANIMAL DE ESTIMAÇÃO, COMPUTADOR PESSOAL, Tons’ aparas/laces pergaminho etc..

    Mais, também fazemos tons de tecido e lâmpadas de tecido para os clientes solicitar em qualquer tamanho e qualquer cor, mesmo os padrões especiais e desenhos para as sombras e lâmpadas.

    Em uma palavra, como um fornecedor de tecidos de iluminação superior e grande na China, nós fabricamos todas as tonalidades de tecido relacionadas, lâmpadas de tecido, e acessórios de tecido para iluminação para os clientes em todo o mundo.

    Qualquer projeto e pergunta sobre tecidos de iluminação/pano, bem-vindo para entrar em contato conosco.




    #3 Huaan Road Chuangye Área Caosan Parque Industrial, Guzhen Town Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province,China.

    Telemóvel:0086 136 2270 3681
    Tel.: +86-0760-22348167
    Email: megafitting@foxmail.com

    Email: sale@megafitting.com

    Web: www.megafitting.com

  • Serviço
    Tecidos de abajur, Tons de lâmpada de tecido, Iluminação de tecido e peças.