Pleated hard back cream white color both up lighter and drum cylinder design style fabric lamp shade Made in China new design lampshades 2022:

Pleated hard back cream white color both up lighter and drum cylinder design style fabric lamp shade Made in China new design lampshades 2022

Pleated hard back cream white color both up lighter and drum cylinder design style fabric lamp shade Made in China new design lampshades 2022
We are make the hot sales pleated hard back fabric lamp shade in white and cream colors.
As one of China top lamp shade manufacturer, we are always trying our best to supply the high quality and new design and amazing style fabric lamp shades for the customers around the world.
The attached photo is the cream white fabric pleated lamp shade, which are the hot sale lamp shade during year 2021-2022.
The common size is 150 mm with and 100 mm height.
More, the other sizes are available to fit for the request of customers / designers.
If you want to got more hot sales fabric lamp shade in AMAZON, it is welcome to contact us.
We have been supplying the new design and popular items of hot sale fabric lamp shade for the supplier in Amazon.
In the photo, you can find that the fabric lamp shade is hard back, and of course, we can make many many different sizes and colors on soft back,
what will be showed in our blog later.
The common fabrics for pleated is cotton, and for soft back pleated lamp shade can be any types of fabrics and colors as the customers’ need.
More in the showed photo of pleated lamp shade is E14 metal ring to fit for table lamp shade and floor lamp, more, it is fit for ceiling and pendant lights and up lighters pedant lights.
The pleated lamp shade normal pleated width is 2o mm.
For details on the pleated lamp shades, we will update more news on our blog.
On the other hand, if you have any questions on the pleated lamp shade, you can send us an email,
we are happy to support you.
The common MOQ / mini order quantity for the pleated lamp shade is 100 pieces each color fabric.
The pleated fabric lamp shade all made in our China fabric lamp shade factory, which to promise the quality and price is better than
others in the world.
The lead-time is the pleated fabric lamp shade is normally 40 days.
And yes, we can send our fabric lamp shade to any corner of the world.
The normal warranty of the fabric pleated hard back lamp shade is one year.
More details on how to make the pleated fabric lamp shade, especially on the technology of how to pleated the shade design, we will share them with you later in our blog.
OOH, one more, we can make the pleated fabric lamp shade fit with all metal ring / lamp holder like click on for the bulb, E14, E27, E26, E12, and any types of lamp holders.