Abrazadera plástico ne tecnología Velcro ne doble anillo metálico ko plástico E14 ne 12 anillo pa gi ne ar pantalla ar lámpara tela da perfecta pa jar 'ba̲ nga̲tho ar ximha̲i:
a fabric lamp shade with plastic clamp to save room during shipping and the lamp holder fitter with E14 and E27
how a plastic clamp design to save space for the fabric lamp shade
plastic clamp accessory of fabric lamp shade
plastic clamp of fabric lamp shade from China megafitting
plastic clamp for Velcro fabric lamp shade
plastic clamp for fabric lamp shade

Pantalla lámpara tela ja ya 'na'ño ya njät'i pa da 'nar Nar dätä hño lámpara mexe pa ar vestíbulo ar hotel.

2Pantalla lámpara tela estilo C pa tsibi colgante

2Diseño C pa ar pantalla ar lámpara tela lámpara 'ba̲i
natural texture paper fabric material for fabric lamp shade from China lamp and shade fabrics supplier MEGA company 5
leathering fabric with laser design for fabric lamp shade from China lamp and shade materials supplier MEGAFITTING
rainbow colors PVC hard back of fabric lamp shade made in China lamp shade materials factory MEGAFITTING COMPANY
Normalmente, pa ya pantallas tela, the big problem is the space of the packing that cost much room for the packing carton and the shipping cost during the transportation from the fabric lamp shades manufacturer to the hand of the final customers.
Nu'bya, we have found the best solution to fix it.
The perfect solution is Velcro technology, abrazadera plástico, the double rings of plastic E14 with the metal E27 ring /fitter, (certainly the same way for E12 and E26 rings).
The details as showed in the images and blogs we showed to our customers before.
For question and details this perfect solution, and other problem.
Pls go to send us an email.