Mega ar za, China top shade fabrics, fabric lamp shades and fabric lamps manufacturer.
Dí pe̲ts'u̲hu̲ ar facilidad pa producir nä'ä clásico ne moda telas sombra, da 'ñent'i ya materiales sombras komongu: PVC, PP, P.D, ME̲TI, PC, shades’ trims/laces parchment etc..
Mäs, 'nehe ga pe̲hu̲ nzu̲nt'i thuhu ar tela y lámparas tela pa ya clientes solicite 'na tamaño ne 'na njät'i, 'nehe ya patrones ne diseños hontho pa ya pantallas ne lámparas.
Ja 'nar po̲ts'e, ngu proveedor telas iluminación mäs xi ngu ne ya dätä jar Ntxinä, fabricamos ga̲tho ya nzu̲nt'i thuhu ar tela relacionados, lámparas tela, ne accesorios tela pa ar iluminación ja ya clientes nga̲tho ar ximha̲i.
'Na ya diseño ne ya nt'a̲ni dige ar iluminación telas yá telas, hogu̲ntso̲ho̲ ma ga contactar.
fabrics & gafas ar hyadi
We mainly provide:
Pantallas lámparas’ fabrics: clásico & telas sombra moda, Shades’ hard back: PVC YÁ PC YÁ PS YÁ PP YÁ PET, pergamino pa pantallas lámparas ne iluminación decorativa, pantallas lámparas’ trims and laces, pantalla lámpara corte láser hontho ne diseño, ya accesorios telas pa pantallas lámpara.
Pantallas lámparas tela: pantallas lámpara trasera dura, pantallas ar lámpara trasera suaves, pantalla lámpara hecha medida, pantallas ar lámpara diseño cortadas ko láser, pantallas lámpara tela serigrafiada, pantallas ar lámparas modernas ne clásicas, etc..
Lámparas tela: lámparas aqua fabric, lámparas tela, iluminación tela medida, lámpara Jot'i tela, lámparas techo tela, ya colgantes tela, lámparas mexa tela, lámparas wa tela.
fabric lamps and shades
Accesorios pantalla lámpara: njät'ise̲ tela pa pantalla lámpara, encaje tela pa pantallas lámparas, marco ya bo̲jä, pa pantallas lámparas, Anillos E14 yá e27 pa pantallas lámparas, ma 'ra ya xeni da pantallas ar lámparas, etc..
MEGAFITTING, Xa 'ma̲i suministrando ár njäts'i pa ar fabricante pantallas tela, and distributors of lamp shade and lighting, Diseñador lámpara ne pantalla, reemplazo lámpara mexa ar hotel yá lámpara ya escritorio yá lámpara colgante yá lámpara ya techo tela yá lámparas ya tela, Lámparas tela medida pa restaurantes ne centros comerciales, Fabricantes lámparas iluminación ne tela jar nga̲tho ar ximha̲i, ¿Hingi togo'ä ho̲ntho suministrar ya materiales ar lámpara ne ar pantalla?, pe 'nehe, ar soporte ar tecnológico ne ar hontho postventa. Nä'ä ge'ä, 20 Ya je̲ya, a top and amazing supplier and manufacturer of lamp and fabric shades from China, and got a quality reputation in the lighting and lamp industry all over the world.
Dí, MEGAFITTING, 'Nar fabricante líder pa ya pantallas lámparas tela, ne ya telas ar pantalla ar lámpara, ne ga̲tho ya materiales relevantes pa ar fabricación pantallas lámparas. What is it mean?
If you are a fabric lamp shade maker, you could get all lamp shade materials and the related technology support from us. Like all kinds of lamp shade fabrics, metal parts for the lamp shade making, and any question support from our lamp shade engineers and crafted shade masters.
If you a lighting and lamps distributor, you can buy all types of fabric lamp shades from of, and the repair knowledge, and the lampshade replacement service and support for your lamp shade business projects. We will update our lamp shade design, and new fabric lamp shades for your sustainable lamp and shade business. Make you outstanding from your competitors.
If you are a hotel / restaurant owner or manager, we can supply the replaced lamp shades for your lamps, and supply the relevant parts for you to repair your lamp shades in your hotel and restaurant.
If you are a designer for the lamp and shade, we can make out your idea from your designed drawing to a real lamp shade, and there are all materials, like shades’ fabrics, metal frame of lamp shade, in our stores for you to make a bespoke DIY lamp shade by yourself. We could supply many different fabrics, and innovative fabrics for your updated design, and all the technology and skill support for your new lamp shades during your design and making. Hä, you can make us as one totally lamp shade stop for your lampshade solution.
If you an enthusiasts for the making of lamp shade and decorative objects, you get many new ideas on the lamp shade fabrics from us, and any technology and skill support from us. Any fabric lamps, fabric lampshades, any personal interest of shade of lamp shade is available for us.
If you are custom made lamp and lampshade manufacturer, you can get all bespoke fabrics and lamp shades from us, even more, we can supply the customized fabric lamps as per your design drawing and pictures. You can get any kinds of fabric for your custom made fabric lamps and shades. We are happy to share our know-how making customized fabric lamp shades and lighting with you.
If you just would like to buy a fabric lam shade and fabric lamps from us, It is OK for to make a completely lamp or lamp shade for you including the shipment to your door. What it means that we can make a totally solution for you, once you tell us what fabric lamp and shade you want. What you need to do that is pay and get the fabric lamp and shade in your door.
If you just would like to know something on the fabric lampshade and fabric lamps, and fabrics of lampshade, even something interesting in our lampshade business before to do something with you, it is OK, to send us an email: \\, or visit our website:
If you just start up your business in lampshade and lighting business, a new hand in the lamp & shade industry, it is lucky to meet us. Just take it easy! We are happy to share our knowledge and information on the fabric lamp and shade business with you, and send you some of new fabrics and updated lampshades for you. And the relevant technology and supplier of lamp and fabric shade for you. Any question on the lamp shade and fabrics of lamp shade, and fabric lamps, just contact us by email:, OR, Finally, we have an important advise for you, to visit our website:MEGAFITTING.COM, to get some common sense first. That is vital for your long term and successful in the business of lamp shades. Good Luck!