lampeskygge stoffer sengetøy, sekk, Cambric, burlap fabric Burlap fabrics lamp shade is made by the fabrics called: lin, sekk, Cambric, burlap stoff. We can make it at any sizes for the customers around the world. And there are red, and white, and black colors, og mer, for the designers and customers in all of the world. …
kube lampe skygge lin stoff i firkantet nyanse med edderkopp montør i messing finish: Tem : cube lamp shade linen fabric in square shade with spider fitter in brass finish Lamp shade Style /USE Ceiling lamp shade, Anheng lys lampe skjerm, lysekrone lamper. Lampeskjerm 'skygge / Tags: Linen fabric lamp shades, hard rygg stoff lampe skygge, cube …
About lam shade metal ring fitter to fit for lamp shades: