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वर्ष भन्दा बढी संग काम गर्न को लागी गोलो र अर्ध-ग्लोब ल्याम्प शेड » flame retardant PVC and table lamp shades’ चीन शीर्ष बत्ती छाया सामग्री आपूर्तिकर्ता MEGAFITTING कम्पनी बाट कपडा

ज्वाला retardant PVC र टेबल बत्ती रंगहरू’ चीन शीर्ष बत्ती छाया सामग्री आपूर्तिकर्ता MEGAFITTING कम्पनी बाट कपडा

अप्रिल 9, 2024

ज्वाला retardant PVC र टेबल बत्ती रंगहरू’ चीन शीर्ष बत्ती छाया सामग्री आपूर्तिकर्ता MEGAFITTING कम्पनी बाट कपडा 2024.

ज्वाला retardant PVC र टेबल बत्ती छाया कपडा ज्वाला retardant PVC र टेबल बत्ती छाया कपडा.



ल्याम्प शेडको लागि टाँसिएको पीवीसी हार्डब्याक ल्याम्प शेडको लागि टाँसिएको पीवीसी हार्डब्याक



ल्याम्प शेडको लागि कडा ब्याकको साथ नयाँ pleated कपडा




We have been supplying most of the flame-retardant PVC and table/floor lamp and ceiling and pendant and wall light lamp shadesfabrics for lamp and shade companies in lighting industry for more than 15 चीन बत्ती र छाया आपूर्तिकर्ता बाट बत्ती छाया लागि सबै भन्दा राम्रो कपडा, जुन वर्षको समयमा तातो बिक्री बत्ती छाया हो, many for export to the lighting companies around the world.

Last day, we showed the testing for flame-PVC (the hard back of most fabric lamp shades) in clear, and the flame-retardant lamp shade fabric, which is with the white PVC, that showed also the material of fabric lamp shade both PVC and fabric is flame-retardant in the fire testing.

The lamp shade fabric for lighting maker and lampshade maker is width at 1480 मिमी र 25 meters each roll for exporting. For domestic market of lamp shade customers at any size and quantity is available, just to go our shop to buy what you need and what materials of lamp shade you want.

Our flame-retardant PVC, कपडा प्रकाश र सम्बन्धित सामान जस्तै, कपडा प्रकाश र सम्बन्धित सामान जस्तै, all can go to math any designs of lamp shades and can be hard back for any fabrics as the customers want and need. The cotton and linen fabrics are the common flame-retardant fabrics to match with our retardant PVC and PS for the fabric lamp shades. The cotton and linen fabrics are with high at 1000 तिनीहरू सफ्ट ब्याकद्वारा बेल फेब्रिक ल्याम्प शेड स्टाइल हुन् र सानो साइजमा व्यास राम्रो हुन्छ।, 1400 तिनीहरू सफ्ट ब्याकद्वारा बेल फेब्रिक ल्याम्प शेड स्टाइल हुन् र सानो साइजमा व्यास राम्रो हुन्छ।, 1480 mm at the common sizes in our stores, and could be made in any colors with the request of customers around the world, this makes us the top one supplier of lamp shade materials in China.

Here, we also want to share our knowledge on the lamp shade materials PVC and fabrics at flame-retardant, and tell our customers how to know, and know-how:

What is the difference between flame retardant pvc and non-flame-retardant PVC materials? Where should the differences in their process be noted?

The difference between flame retardant PVC and non-flame-retardant PVC materials is whether a flame retardant is added.

Flame retardant can improve the flame-retardant performance of PVC materials, so that it is not easy to burn or slow when encountering fire, so as to reduce the spread and harm of fire.

In terms of process, the production process of flame-retardant PVC and non-flame-retardant PVC materials is basically the same, and the main difference lies in the link of adding flame retardant.

Flame retardant PVC materials need to add an appropriate amount of flame retardant in the production process to improve their flame-retardant performance.

There are many ways to add flame retardants, such as blending, coating, soaking, कट कुर्नर स्क्यालप्ड कपडा बत्ती छाया सामान्यतया टेबल बत्ती र भुइँ बत्ती लागि प्रयोग गरिन्छ.

It should be noted that the flame-retardant performance of the flame-retardant PVC material is not absolute, and it will still burn under certain conditions.

त्यसैले, when using flame retardant PVC materials, we still need to pay attention to fire safety to avoid the occurrence of fire.

चीन मेगा बत्ती र छाया कारखानाबाट क्रिम ट्रिम साना र मध्यम आकारको साथ राफिया स्क्यालप ल्याम्पशेड 2023 चीन मेगा बत्ती र छाया कारखानाबाट क्रिम ट्रिम साना र मध्यम आकारको साथ राफिया स्क्यालप ल्याम्पशेड 2023

What is the difference between flame-retardant materials and fireproof materials?

The main difference between fire retardant materials and flame-retardant materials lies in their fire-retardant properties and use.

Fire-retardant materials usually refer to the materials that can maintain their structural integrity and stability in a fire, such as firewalls, fire-proof doors, fire-retardant coatings, कट कुर्नर स्क्यालप्ड कपडा बत्ती छाया सामान्यतया टेबल बत्ती र भुइँ बत्ती लागि प्रयोग गरिन्छ.

These materials can prevent the spread of the fire in the fire, to provide a certain fire isolation and protection effect.

Flame retardant materials refer to the materials that can slow down or prevent the spread of the flame in a fire, such as flame-retardant, flame-retardant cables, flame retardant plastics, कट कुर्नर स्क्यालप्ड कपडा बत्ती छाया सामान्यतया टेबल बत्ती र भुइँ बत्ती लागि प्रयोग गरिन्छ.

These materials can slow down or prevent the spread of the flame in a fire through their own chemical reactions or physical characteristics, so as to reduce the damage and loss of the fire.

सामन्यतया, fire retardant materials and flame-retardant materials are designed to improve the fire performance of buildings and products, but their fire prevention principle and uses are different.

रेस्टुरेन्टको लागि नयाँ कपडा ल्याम्पशेड नयाँ रंग डिजाइनमा रेस्टुरेन्ट कपडा ल्याम्पशेड


To judge whether a lampshade is flaming retardant, the following methods: Check the product label: When buying the lampshade, you can check whether the wordsflame retardant” बत्ती शेडहरूको प्रकाश सामग्री “fire preventionare listed on the product label.

Consulting sales staff: you can ask the sales staff whether the lampshade has flame retardant performance.

Combustion test: can take a small piece of lampshade material for combustion test, if the combustion can be extinguished, it means that the material has a certain flame-retardant performance. AS SHOWING INOUR FIRST IMAGE, PLS CHECK IT CAREFULLY AND THEN, WE ARE SURE THAT YOU SHOULD KNOW HOW TO MAKE SURE IF YOU BUY A REAL FABRIC LAMP SHADE WITH FLAME RETARDANT.

ल्याम्प शेडको लागि कडा ब्याकको साथ नयाँ pleated कपडा

When choosing a flame-retardant desk lamp lampshade, you can start from the following aspects: सामग्री: Choose materials with good flame retardant performance, such as PC plastic, ABS plastic, कट कुर्नर स्क्यालप्ड कपडा बत्ती छाया सामान्यतया टेबल बत्ती र भुइँ बत्ती लागि प्रयोग गरिन्छ.

Style: according to personal preferences and home decoration style to choose the right style.

रङ: Choose a color that coincides with the home decoration style.

कालो कपासको ल्याम्प शेड राम्रो बिक्रीमा छ किनभने एउटा कारण कालो रंग हो: Choose the appropriate lamp cover size according to the size of the desk lamp.

Brand: choose the products of well-known brands, and the quality and after-sales service are more guaranteed.

It should be noted that the above information is for reference only, and the specific purchase criteria may be different due to the market changes.

If you need to learn more information, you suggest that you search through the Internet or consult relevant industry associations.

















सायद तपाईलाई पनि मन पर्छ

वर्ष भन्दा बढी संग काम गर्न को लागी चाँदी र सुन धातु PVC सामग्री 300Um थिंक ल्याम्प शेड चीनबाट
  • बत्ती शेडहरूको प्रकाश सामग्री

    बत्ती शेडहरूको प्रकाश सामग्री , बत्ती शेडहरूको प्रकाश सामग्री: बत्ती शेडहरूको प्रकाश सामग्री, कपडा प्रकाश र सम्बन्धित सामान जस्तै, कपडा प्रकाश र सम्बन्धित सामान जस्तै, बत्ती शेडहरूको प्रकाश सामग्री, कपडा प्रकाश र सम्बन्धित सामान जस्तै, बत्ती छायाको लागि थप डिजाइनहरू’ बत्ती शेडहरूको प्रकाश सामग्री.

    एक परिवार मा pleated तर छाया को लागी कपडा मा फरक दृष्टिकोण बनाउन को लागी, बत्ती शेडहरूको प्रकाश सामग्री बत्ती शेडहरूको प्रकाश सामग्री बत्ती शेडहरूको प्रकाश सामग्री बत्ती छाया लेजर कट सेवा र डिजाइन बत्ती शेडहरूको प्रकाश सामग्री, बत्ती शेडहरूको प्रकाश सामग्री.

    ड्रम कढ़ाई जस्तै, बत्ती शेडहरूको प्रकाश सामग्री, बत्ती शेडहरूको प्रकाश सामग्री, बत्ती छाया लेजर कट सेवा र डिजाइन, बत्ती शेडहरूको प्रकाश सामग्री.

    बत्ती शेडहरूको प्रकाश सामग्री, बत्ती शेडहरूको प्रकाश सामग्री.



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    #3 बत्ती शेडहरूको प्रकाश सामग्री, बत्ती शेडहरूको प्रकाश सामग्री, बत्ती शेडहरूको प्रकाश सामग्री,E14/E27/E12/E26 धातुको औंठी.

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    बत्ती शेडहरूको प्रकाश सामग्री: +86-0760-22348167
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