» Aċċessorji ta 'sfumaturi u lampi » one side glue self adhesive PVC hard back materials of fabric lamp shade supplier

kolla tal-ġenb waħda li teħel waħedha materjali ta 'wara iebsa tal-PVC tal-fornitur tad-dell tal-lampa tad-drapp

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one side glue self adhesive PVC supplier for fabric lamp shade,


VPD 1008 Materjali tal-PVC li jeħlu weħidhom għad-dell tal-lampa tad-drapp magħmula fiċ-Ċina VPD 1008 Materjali tal-PVC li jeħlu weħidhom għad-dell tal-lampa tad-drapp magħmula fiċ-Ċina gold and silve PVC roll for fabric lamp shade and modern lamps from China lamp and shade materials supplier MG company plastic PVC self adhesive hardback of lamp shade fabrics made in CHINA plastic PVC self adhesive hardback of lamp shade fabrics made in CHINA Plastic pvc sefl adhesive ps hard back as the base of lamp shde fabric made in China lamp and shade materials company MEGAFITTING Plastic pvc sefl adhesive ps hard back as the base of lamp shde fabric made in China lamp and shade materials company MEGAFITTING

The self adhesive PVC with one side glue, could be white, and clear.

The thickness of self adhesive PVC for fabric lamp shade, could be 200 my, U 300 my, and the 300 micron of PVC with one side glue, is the common and normal one for the lampshade makers from China lamp shade materials supplier MEGA COMPANY.

The width of self adhesive PVC for lamp shade is 1480 mm normally,

and its width could be bespoke at 1200 Mm.

For more lamp shade materials from China top lamp and shade materials self adhesive PVC supplier, MEGA COMPANY.




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    Għandna faċilità biex jipproduċu l-klassiku u moda drappijiet għad-dell, inklużi l-materjali tal-ilwien bħal: PVC, PP, PS, DOMESTIĊI, PC, sfumaturi’ trims/lazzijiet parċmina eċċ..

    Aktar, nagħmlu wkoll sfumaturi tad-drapp U lampi tad-drapp għall-klijenti jitolbu fuq kwalunkwe daqs u kwalunkwe kulur, anke l-mudelli u d-disinji speċjali għall-ilwien u l-lampi.

    F'kelma waħda, bħala fornitur ta 'drappijiet ta' dawl kbir u ta 'fuq fiċ-Ċina, nimmanifatturaw l-ilwien tad-drapp relatati kollha, lampi tad-drapp, u aċċessorji tad-drapp għad-dawl lill-klijenti madwar id-dinja.

    Kwalunkwe disinn u mistoqsija dwar drappijiet /drapp tad-dawl, merħba tikkuntattjana.




    #3 Huaan Road Chuangye Żona Caosan Industrijali Park, Il-Belt ta 'Guzhen Town Zhongshan, Provinċja ta' Guangdong,Ċina.

    Mobbli:0086 136 2270 3681
    Tel: +86-0760-22348167
    Email: megafitting@foxmail.com

    Email: sale@megafitting.com

    Web: www.megafitting.com

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    Drappijiet lampshade, Sfumaturi tal-Lampa tad-Drapp, Dawl tad-drapp & partijiet.