» Blog » China new year holiday to stop producing the fabric lamp shades and lamp shade fabrics

China new year holiday to stop producing the fabric lamp shades and lamp shade fabrics

December 2, 2022

China new year holiday to stop producing the fabric lamp shades and lamp shade fabrics


new fabric lampshade for restaurant restaurant fabric lampshade in new color design pleated raffia lamp shade for pendant light from MGF lampshde factory China pleated raffia lamp shade for pendant light from MGF lampshade factory China


As the China new year holiday is coming up, we are business to deal the producing for the lamp shade orders.

And during the dates :1st Jan. 2023-10th Feb. 2023, our lamp shade factory will stop to produce the new orders,

just to receive the order, but stop to produce, all goods have to be shipped after our China new holiday.

We can only to ship some shades and fabrics those already in our stores only.

Every client, pls take care the holidays, and arrange the related production and shipment.

Any question on the new orders and shipping, pls send us email to double check and confirm if urgent.

Good luck and good holiday for all customers around the globe.


Forsi tixtieq ukoll


    Għandna faċilità biex jipproduċu l-klassiku u moda drappijiet għad-dell, inklużi l-materjali tal-ilwien bħal: PVC, PP, PS, DOMESTIĊI, PC, sfumaturi’ trims/lazzijiet parċmina eċċ..

    Aktar, nagħmlu wkoll sfumaturi tad-drapp U lampi tad-drapp għall-klijenti jitolbu fuq kwalunkwe daqs u kwalunkwe kulur, anke l-mudelli u d-disinji speċjali għall-ilwien u l-lampi.

    F'kelma waħda, bħala fornitur ta 'drappijiet ta' dawl kbir u ta 'fuq fiċ-Ċina, nimmanifatturaw l-ilwien tad-drapp relatati kollha, lampi tad-drapp, u aċċessorji tad-drapp għad-dawl lill-klijenti madwar id-dinja.

    Kwalunkwe disinn u mistoqsija dwar drappijiet /drapp tad-dawl, merħba tikkuntattjana.




    #3 Huaan Road Chuangye Żona Caosan Industrijali Park, Il-Belt ta 'Guzhen Town Zhongshan, Provinċja ta' Guangdong,Ċina.

    Mobbli:0086 136 2270 3681
    Tel: +86-0760-22348167
    Email: megafitting@foxmail.com

    Email: sale@megafitting.com

    Web: www.megafitting.com

  • Servizz
    Drappijiet lampshade, Sfumaturi tal-Lampa tad-Drapp, Dawl tad-drapp & partijiet.