» Blog » Can you make custom fabric and cloth lighting as per our design?

Tista 'tagħmel drapp tad-dwana u dawl tad-drapp skont id-disinn tagħna?

August 5, 2021

Tista 'tagħmel drapp tad-dwana u dawl tad-drapp skont id-disinn tagħna?

Some customers always go to ask us if you can make some lighting from our fabrics and lamp shades for their designs. YES, YES, YES.

We can use our own fabrics / cloth to make lighting for our customers, especially for the lighting designers and restaurant projects.

As all of us know that our fabrics are the materials of lamp shade and lights, it is easy to understand and get ideas that make any lights are OK from our fabrics materials for your design and ideas.

We are happy and interest to make lights from our fabrics and shades, if you have interest.


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Drappijiet lampshade, Sfumaturi tal-Lampa tad-Drapp, Dawl tad-drapp & partijiet.