» Blog » Better price for the rattan materials lamp shade made in MEGA shade and light factory

Better price for the rattan materials lamp shade made in MEGA shade and light factory

August 26, 2022

Better price for the rattan materials lamp shade made in MEGA shade and light factory




materjali dell tal-lampa rattan wicker materjali dell tal-lampa rattan wicker swatches tal-qasab rattan għall-ilwien tal-lampi swatches tal-qasab rattan għall-ilwien tal-lampi dell tal-lampa tal-qasab rattan għad-dwal pendant dell tal-lampa tal-qasab rattan għad-dwal pendant shade and light for restaurant shade and light for restaurant


There is a big news, what we have not to notify the designers and the customers, but, it is real exactly.

We make so many rattan lamp shade for hotel and resort, and restaurants etc, all of the rattan lamp shades,

are made by our new rattan materials, which is more cheap for the rattan.


If you have not get and double check carefully, it is difficult to find that rattan shades are made in the new rattan materials at better price.


The new rattan materials are made in our China shade factory, and attached our new clear and frosted PVC and PS to save the cost.


The rattan is more cheap and more flex , and more light for lamp shades.


In order to know more about it, it is better to check it by the samples. Welcome to email us, if you are interested in the lamp shades by new rattan materials,

and for the new design of rattan lamp shades.








Forsi tixtieq ukoll


    Għandna faċilità biex jipproduċu l-klassiku u moda drappijiet għad-dell, inklużi l-materjali tal-ilwien bħal: PVC, PP, PS, DOMESTIĊI, PC, sfumaturi’ trims/lazzijiet parċmina eċċ..

    Aktar, nagħmlu wkoll sfumaturi tad-drapp U lampi tad-drapp għall-klijenti jitolbu fuq kwalunkwe daqs u kwalunkwe kulur, anke l-mudelli u d-disinji speċjali għall-ilwien u l-lampi.

    F'kelma waħda, bħala fornitur ta 'drappijiet ta' dawl kbir u ta 'fuq fiċ-Ċina, nimmanifatturaw l-ilwien tad-drapp relatati kollha, lampi tad-drapp, u aċċessorji tad-drapp għad-dawl lill-klijenti madwar id-dinja.

    Kwalunkwe disinn u mistoqsija dwar drappijiet /drapp tad-dawl, merħba tikkuntattjana.




    #3 Huaan Road Chuangye Żona Caosan Industrijali Park, Il-Belt ta 'Guzhen Town Zhongshan, Provinċja ta' Guangdong,Ċina.

    Mobbli:0086 136 2270 3681
    Tel: +86-0760-22348167
    Email: megafitting@foxmail.com

    Email: sale@megafitting.com

    Web: www.megafitting.com

  • Servizz
    Drappijiet lampshade, Sfumaturi tal-Lampa tad-Drapp, Dawl tad-drapp & partijiet.