Warna lampu hotel dengan belakang keras dan CE UL ROHS SIJIL MODDERN DAN gaya kontemporari yang dibuat di china

Warna lampu hotel dengan belakang keras dan CE UL ROHS SIJIL MODDERN DAN gaya kontemporari yang dibuat di china
We just updated some of lamp shades for the hotel.
They are in many many colors and sizes for the hotel table lamp and standing lamps.
Sudah tentu, we can make the fabric lamp shades for the hotel pendant lights and ceiling lights.
If need any lamp shades for your hotels or need bespoke lamp shade for your hotel and other resident house,
welcome to visit us or send us an email for the support.
Sudah tentu, we are making many many lamp shades for the luxury hotels and house.
The designers always like our support to make their dream custom made lamp shades for the amazing projects.
We will update more our special lamp shades soon.