we are making something for the hotel light lamp shades

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we are making something for the hotel light lamp shades

we are making something for the hotel light lamp shades

we are making something for the hotel light lamp shades. To our friends and customers, We are making a big project in our R&D department for the hotel lamp shades. Our guys, is updating the design for the new lamp shades for the hotels in a coming month soon. Then, We will show you / designers, hotelers, and lighting distributors


    Kai a mātau te pānga hai whakaputa i te tauhira me te huatau kahuuriuri, tae atu ki ngā rauemi uriuri pēnei: PVC, PP, PS, PET, RW, uriuri’ kuti/kōpae, ērā atu mea..

    Ētahi atu, ka mahia hoki e mātau uriuri ihu me rama ihu mō ngā kiritaki e tono ana i tētahi rahi me tētahi tae, ahakoa ko ngā tauira motuhake me ngā hoahoa mō ngā uriuri me ngā rama.

    I roto i te kupu kotahi, hei kaiwhakarato pūru tīramarama nui, nui hoki i Haina, ka hangaia e mātau ngā tōpū pūru pānga katoa, rama ihu, me ngā apatoko pūru mō te tīramarama ki ngā kiritaki o te ao.

    Ngā hoahoa me ngā pātai mō ngā pūru tīramarama/ kākahu, nau mai ki te whakapā mai ki a mātau.





    #3 Huaan Road Chuangye Area Caosan Industrial Park, Taone o Guzhen Zhongshan City, Takiwā o Guangdong,Haina.

    Pūkoro:0086 136 2270 3681
    Tel: +86-0760-22348167
    Ī-mēra: megafitting@foxmail.com

    Ī-mēra: sale@megafitting.com

    Tukutuku: www.megafitting.com

  • Ratonga
    Lampshade Fabrics, Ngā uri uri o Fabric Lamp, Tīramarama Fabric me ngā wāhanga.