» Different fabrics' lamp shade » Cotton lamba jiro aloka » why call MEGAFITTING a professional China girls desk lamp shade manufacturer

nahoana no miantso MEGAFITTING matihanina Shinoa ankizivavy biraon'ny jiro jiro mpanamboatra

  • Famaritana

nahoana no miantso MEGAFITTING matihanina Shinoa ankizivavy biraon'ny jiro jiro mpanamboatra




woman and girls desk lamp shades woman and girls desk lamp shades


special design shades by printed craft works for girls lamps special design shades by printed craft works for girls lamps

Isika dia one quality girls desk lamp shade manufacturer in China for more than 20 taona. Misy mihoatra noho ny 200 crafted workers in our factory, most of who have been making the lamp shade jobs for more than one decade, that is why our lamp shade factory can make so many outstanding designs for the girls desk lamp shades and exquisite crafts. Fanampin'izany, thanks to the China culture and location, our China lamp shade factory can save so much money on the shipping and other materials supply, which makes us our desk lamp shade at better price than other supplier in other countries.



skirt shade in pleated sytle lamp shade for girls desk lamps skirt shade in pleated sytle lamp shade for girls desk lamps


rose flower pattern shade for girls desk lamp rose flower pattern shade for girls desk lamp


Our lamp shade factory in China, not just supply the wholesale lamp shade for China, but for all the customers around the world. Recently, we have been making the girls desk lamp shades in all types’ design and all kinds of shade materials for many customers around the world, especially for the customers who sell their products on Amazon. Refer to that, more than more customers come to our lamp shade factory for support of producing their girls desk lamp shades order.


rose design pattern girls desk lamp shade rose design pattern girls desk lamp shade


red fabric with trimming decor lamp shade for girls desk lamp red fabric with trimming decor lamp shade for girls desk lamp


Why? That is a big question now. Not just for the customers, but for us. We are trying us to ask the question why all customers come to our factory for support to their desk lamp shade orders.

After thinking, we make it answer as below for why we are a reliable and quality girls desk lamp shade manufacturer:

Voalohany, we can make all types of girls desk lamp shades, like we can make both the soft back and hard back desk lamp shades. Especially, our pink soft back of pleated fabric desk lamp shades is so so hot sale for our customers around the world. And we can make any design of desk lamp shades like the oval shade, round shade, square shade, and the rectangle desk lamp shade etc.

Second, as to our strong and reliable supply of shade fabrics, we can make all types of fabric desk lamp shades. For example, we can make the girls desk lamp shade in fabric materials like cotton, Lamba rongony, silk, and ribbon, and line strings etc. And any color of the shade fabrics is available for us to make the dream girls desk lamp shades for our customers’ special order.


red fabric with trimming decor lamp shade for girls desk lamp red fabric with trimming decor lamp shade for girls desk lamp


purple lamp shade for girls desk lamp purple lamp shade for girls desk lamp

Third, Our skilled workers make sure our girls desk lamp shade in good quality and lead-time supply in time as the customers’ expectation. And any design and any craft desk lamp shades is not problem for our old and experience workers. And the location of our China factory can ship the lamp shade orders in time and quickly distribute the shades to anywhere of the world.


printed pattern girls style desk lamp shades printed pattern girls style desk lamp shades


Fourth, Ny R&D department update our girls desk lamp shades design every month for our customers as pet the marketing demand and research. All of colleagues in our R&D departemanta, are so young and girls, and went, and not, and will come to and get back information from the customers and the markets. And they update and update, and make many samples of girls desk lamp shades for our customers’ comment. Avy eo, they will improve their design and the quality on the desk lamp shades. And our R and D department in good work to make sure our girls desk lamp shades can fit for any lamp holder like E12, E26, E39, G8.5, G9, G5, GU10, E14, E27 etc.


andriambavy fomba ankizivavy birao fanala matoatoa andriambavy fomba ankizivavy birao fanala matoatoa

Fifth, There is a special girls department in our lamp shade factory, the after sale department, to get the feedback from our customers and complain, which help us to improve our service and products. That help us to make our girls desk lamp shade quality, Sary, and service and other supply better than other supplier for the lamp shade business.

More than those our hard works, prove us as one outstanding of girls lamp shade manufacturer. The local government and lamp shade association send us many medals for our outstanding works on the lamp shades production. And more and more customers from all over the world come to our factory for the lamp shade orders, which is a top award and biggest support for our lamp shades making. Certainly, our suppliers also give us so much support on the materials of desk lamp shade making, who not just supply us the best materials for our making on the lamp shades, but give financial support on the produce of lamp shade that we can get the best payment on them.


pink feather girls desk lamp shade for night standing lamps pink feather girls desk lamp shade for night standing lamps


pink fabric with trimm and crystal beads lamp shade for girls desk lamps pink fabric with trimm and crystal beads lamp shade for girls desk lamps

Farany, we would like to thank for everyone on the support of our lamp shade produce. And our deeply understand that “be good quality, be good person, and at the girls foot to think about everything for girls” for our making of girls desk lamp shades. And we believe that making good quality girls desk lamp shades is the best feedback for our customers and all.


For more questions on our lamp shade manufacture, please check the information as below, or connect us.


pink fabric girls desk lamp shade pink fabric girls desk lamp shade


pink decor girls desk lamp shade with furry trimming pink decor girls desk lamp shade with furry trimming


pink and yellow pleated hard back fabric girls desk lamp shades pink and yellow pleated hard back fabric girls desk lamp shades


particular design shade for girls desk lamps particular design shade for girls desk lamps


parchment empiral style girls desk table lamp shade with fringe lace trim parchment empiral style girls desk table lamp shade with fringe lace trim


leather in pink color made for girls desk lamp shade leather in pink color made for girls desk lamp shade


leather girls desk lamp shades leather girls desk lamp shades


girls and women style pleated soft back fabirc lamp shades girls and women style pleated soft back fabirc lamp shades



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1, Afaka manao baiko kely ve ianao?, na bespoke jiro iray ihany no alokaloka amin'ny habetsahana mba ho an'ny fanala aloka mba?

A: Eny. Ny baiko rehetra dia misy ho antsika, Alefaso fotsiny izahay mailaka ho fanamafisana alohan'ny filaminana.


2, Afaka manao fampanantenana amin'ny fonosana mandritra ny fandefasana?

A: Eny, Raisinay avokoa ny andraikitra rehetra.


3, Ahoana no fomba nanamboaranao ny alokao?

A: Raha ny tokony ho izy amin'ny alalan'ny sarety miaraka amin'ny fanohanana antsipirihany ao anatiny.

Ho an'ny aloka samihafa, Manana vahaolana samihafa izahay amin'ny fonosana, Hamela anao dieny izao, Araka ny baikonao.


4, Azonao atao ve ny mandefa ny aloky ny jironao mankany amin'ny toerana misy anay?

A: Eny, Manana vahaolana fandefasana ho an'ny mpanjifantsika manerana izao tontolo izao izahay. Ampahafantaro anay fotsiny ny tanànanao, Dia handefa anareo ny fandefasana vahaolana.


5, Afaka manao ny haben'ny jiro alokaloka?

A: Eny, Ny habeny rehetra dia misy ho antsika.


6, Azonao atao ve ny manamboatra ny marika eo amin'ny aloky ny jiro sy ny fonosana carton?

A: Eny, Avelao fotsiny ny antsipirian'ny logo anao. Hanao ny logo ho anao izahay rehefa mandidy.


7, Afaka mandefa santionany amiko ve ianao / Mock-up alohan'ny jiro alokaloka faobe filaminana?

A: Eny, Sample dia OK ho antsika.


8, Afaka manome santionany ve ianao / Famantaranandro ny jiro aloka lamba?

A: Eny, Matetika izahay no manao izany ho an'ny mpanjifa vaovao..


9, Azonao atao ny milaza amintsika hoe inona ny fivarotana mafana ny lamba fanala alokaloka?

A: Eny, Manana mpanjifa maro manerana izao tontolo izao izahay, Fantatsika izany ary faly izahay manohana ny mpanjifanay.


10, Azonao atao ve ny manao ny jiro matoatoa fanohanana ara-barotra na ny fanala alokaloka fivarotana tolo-kevitra ho antsika?

A: Eny. Faly izahay mizara ny vaovao sy ny fahalalana amin 'ny mpanjifa. Alefaso aminay ny fangatahanao sy ny fampahalalana, Dia hizara ny jiro aloka fivarotana haivarotra ho anao.


Ahoana ny fomba fanaovana lamina fanala lamba eo amintsika?

Valio: Raha ny tokony ho izy, Alefaso aminay ny haben'ny alokaloka izay tianao hatao, Ohatra: Ny habe ambony indrindra * ambany habe * slant haavon'ny. Ny habe amin'ny santimetatra na / sy CM / MG, Milamina ny zava-drehetra ho antsika.

Avy eo, Avelao izahay izay lamba tianao hampiasaina, toy ny landihazo na rongony sns.

Farany, Raha te hampiasa trimming na décor hafa ho an'ny jiro aloka, Ampahafantaro anay ary ampahafantaro anay. Izany rehetra izany.


Ahoana ny fomba handrefesana ny aloky ny jiro lamba?

Valio: Raha ny tokony ho izy, Izahay dia mamaritra ny aloka amin'ny 3 karazana: A: Aloka boribory, B: Rectangle / Oval alokaloka, C: Square matoatoa. Amin'ny antsipiriany manokana ny fomba hanamarihana ny habeny, Azafady mba jereo ny sary eto ambany.. Azonao atao ny mahita ny sary mba hahafantarana bebe kokoa ny fomba handrefesana ny haben'ny jiro oval:


Ahoana ny fomba handrefesana alokaloka Ahoana ny fomba handrefesana alokaloka


Ahoana no hahazoana ny lamba fitaovana sy ny loko ho an'ny mba lamba jiro matoatoa?

Valio: Azonao atao ny misintona ny katalaogin'ny lamba ho an'ny alokaloka ao amin'ny tranokalanay, Na mandefa mailaka aminay mba hahazoana ny e-katalaogy amin'izay tianao. Tena marina, Ho an'ny loko lamba, Afaka manao izay loko ho an'ny lamba jiro matoatoa. Fanampin'izany,, toy ny fampandrosoana ny teknolojia eo amin'ny jiro miharatra fanaovana, Azontsika atao ny manonta izay endrika rehetra / ny famantarana misy loko ho an'ny nofy jiro matoatoa. Andramo anay sy ny didim-pitsarana miaraka aminay, Hahita mpanamboatra jiro vita amin'ny lamba mahavariana ianao mba hanohanana ny orinasan'ny alokao.


Azonao atao ve ny mandefa endrika vaovao amin'ny lamba ho an'ny filazalazana mba hanaovana ny lamina fanala nohavaozina?

Valio: Eny, Ny R&D manao izay tsara indrindra vitantsika mba hanavao ny famolavolana asa mba hanohanana ny lamba fanala matoatoa raharaham-barotra. Izahay vaovao farany ny lamba sy ny teti-matoatoa mba hahatonga ny mpanjifa 'jiro aloka raharaham-barotra tsara kokoa sy tsara kokoa.


Azonao atao ve ny manome ny santionany amin'ny jiro aloka ho antsika alohan'ny lamesa faobe?

Valio: Eny, Afaka manome isan-karazany ny jiro alokaloka Fitters noho ny maso sy ny fankatoavana eo anatrehan'i mba. Raha mila famaranana manokana / loko ho an'ny jiro Shade Fitter / peratra vy / mpanasa, Ampahafantaro anay fa alohan'ny handefasana, izay mety mila fotoana bebe kokoa mba hamokarana.


Moa ve ny jiro aloka Fitter / Ireo mpanasa lamba dia mifanaraka amin'ny fenitra ara-barotra amerikana sy eropeana?

Valio: Eny, Manana vahaolana roa ho an'ny tsenan'i Etazonia sy Euro izahay. Ampahafantaro fotsiny hoe aiza no tianao hivarotana amin'ny alokaloka jiro, Azontsika atao ny mifanaraka amin'ireo fitaovana mifandraika amin'izany / Mpanasa ho an'ny alokaloka jiro. Ento mora izany, Isika dia ary afaka mikarakara ny tsipiriany rehetra sy ny fitsipika ho an'ny jiro matoatoa matoatoa mba hanohanana ny jiro aloka fivarotana raharaham-barotra.


Azonao lazaina anay ve hoe iza ny mpanjifanao ao amin'ny tsenanay??

Valio: Miala tsiny, Tsy maintsy miaro ny mpanjifantsika taloha eny an-tsena isika. Tsiambaratelo ara-barotra ho an'ny orinasan'ny jiro.


Firy taona ianao no nanao ny lamba fanala alokaloka?

Valio: AHHA, Mangina ny taona maro lasa izay. Manana mihoatra noho ny 20 taona / Fanandramana amin'ny fanaovana alokaloka jiro ary manome ny lamba aloka / Fitaovana ho an'ny mpanjifa Shina. That is why we are called Ny iray amin'ireo mpanamboatra jiro ambony indrindra in China.


Manana ny sasany amin'ireo jiro matoatoa ao amin'ny tahirinareo izay azo nalefa haingana ho an'ny jiro alokaloka fivarotana?

Valio: Eny, manana mihoatra noho ny 1000 Square metatra trano fanatobiana entana mba hanangona ny jiro iombonana matoatoa. Afaka mahazo ny mahazatra jiro matoatoa ao amin'ny tahiry mba hivarotra ao amin'ny tsena.




Endrika fanadihadiana ( Hamerina anao haingana araka izay azo atao izahay. )


4 + 9 = ?

Mety ho tianao koa

  • Sokajy vokatra

  • Vokatra farany

  • Tags


    Manana toerana izahay mba hamokarana ny mahazatra sy lamaody Lamba aloka, Anisan'izany ny fitaovana aloka toy ny: PVC, PP, PS, PET, PC, alokaloka’ Fametahana / kofehy sns..

    Misimisy, Isika koa dia manao lamba aloka ary lamba jiro ho an'ny mpanjifa mangataka amin'ny habeny sy ny loko rehetra, Na dia ny modely manokana sy ny teti-dratsy ho an'ny aloka sy ny jiro.

    Amin'ny teny iray, toy ny ambony sy lehibe jiro mpamatsy lamba ao Shina, Isika rehetra mpanamboatra lamba mifandraika matoatoa, lamba jiro, ary lamba Accessories ho an'ny jiro ho an'ny mpanjifa manerana izao tontolo izao.

    Ny famolavolana sy ny fanontaniana momba ny jiro lamba / lamba, Tongasoa eto amin'ny hifandray aminay.




    #3 Huaan Road Chuangye Area Caosan Industrial Park, Guzhen Town Zhongshan City, Faritanin'i Guangdong,Shina.

    Mobile:0086 136 2270 3681
    Tel: +86-0760-22348167
    Email: megafitting@foxmail.com

    Email: sale@megafitting.com

    Web: www.megafitting.com

  • Service
    Lampshade Fabrics, Lamba Jiro matoatoa, Lamba jiro & faritra.