» Blog » why buy the raffia grass materials for lamp shade from China and how Chinese make raffia lamp shades?

Nahoana no mividy fitaovam-bozaka raffia ho an'ny aloky ny jiro avy any Shina sy ny fomba ataon'ny Shinoa amin'ny aloky ny jiro raffia?

June 5, 2023

Nahoana no mividy fitaovam-bozaka raffia ho an'ny aloky ny jiro avy any Shina sy ny fomba ataon'ny Shinoa amin'ny aloky ny jiro raffia?


raffia lamba lamba fanaingoana loko vaovao design2022 avy amin'ny jiro MEGAFITTING sy ny aloky facotry raffia fabric lamp shade new design2022 from MEGAFITTING lamp and shade factory


Why not buy the raffia grass materials for lamp shade from China?

Everyone in the lighting industry knows that China is the biggest and best lampshade and lighting manufacturer and exporter in the world, which makes China to plant and import the largest raffia grass from Africa, that helps Chinese to get the lowest and best quality raffia grass materials than other area making the raffia grass, as per Chinese largest scale importing raffia grass. Meanwhile, there is the most many raffia grass braiding machines in China, that makes China is the best industrialization on the raffia grass making. In a word, the largest quantity, and the most many braiding machines, the biggest market, make China can make the raffia grass in best price and quality, that is why not buy the raffia grass materials for lamp shade from China?


Weaving raffia grass in 6 colors Weaving raffia grass in 6 colors

In the lamp shade materials manufacturer, toy ny MEGAFITTING.COM, could make the raffia grass in any color for the design and lamp shades. Misimisy, in China, there are so many braiding machines to weave the raffia grass in any patter of the sheet like weaving cloth.

raffia grass materials from Africa and made into lamp shade in China raffia grass materials from Africa and made into lamp shade in China


There are so many Chinese in Africa to rent and open their own raffia grass farm, then, Chinese could make their own quality raffia grass for the lamp shade materials. When the raffia grass is OK to ship to China, then to make the related procedures for the materials of lamp shade.


raffia grass materials from Africa and made into lamp shade in China raffia grass materials from Africa and made into lamp shade in China


When the raffia grass be processed ready for lamp shade materials, Chinese to start to make them for lamp shades.

How to make raffia grass materials to lamps hade?

Raha ny tokony ho izy, attached the weaving raffia grass with the PVC, or PS, to make them in rolls.

Avy eo, the lamp shade skilled crafted men will make the hard back raffia grass for any size and shade for the lamp shades.

And yes, they also can use the raffia grass string to knit them for the soft back lamp shades.

raffia grass and raffia shades from China lamp shade materials manufacturer MEGA raffia grass and raffia shades from China lamp shade materials manufacturer MEGA

The raffia grass could be designed and made in any color and any size for the lamp shades both soft back and hard back lamp shades.

More on the skill for the making of raffia lamp shade, you can go to send email to contac megafitting company for an answer.





































Mety ho tianao koa


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