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Spuldžu toņu audums no Ķīnas lampu toņu audumu ražotāja

Spuldžu toņu audums no Ķīnas lampu toņu audumu ražotāja

Flocking fabric of lamp shade from China lamp shade fabrics manufacturer MEGAFITTING, VIENS NO LIELĀKAJIEM LAMPU TOŅU AUDUMU PIEGĀDĀTĀJIEM ĶĪNĀ. Mēs esam piegādājuši spuldžu toņu audumus vairāk nekā 20 Gadiem. Apgaismojuma tirgū mēs varam piegādāt gandrīz visus lukturu toņu ganāmpulka auduma dizainus. In the picture of flock fabric

vislabākās kvalitātes auduma pergaments no lampas toni no Ķīnas augšējo lampu toņu materiālu piegādātāja MEGAFITTING

vislabākās kvalitātes auduma pergaments no lampas toni no Ķīnas augšējo lampu toņu materiālu piegādātāja MEGAFITTING

best quality fabric parchment of lamp shade from China top lamp shade materials supplier MEGAFITTING As a top lamp shade fabrics and shade accessories supplier in China, mēs ne tikai piegādājam labāko pergamenta audumu no lampas toņa toņu veidotājiem, lai padarītu augstākās kvalitātes lampu toni viesnīcām un restorāniem utt., bet arī, our

As a large lamp shade fabrics supplier in China why we cannot show all fabrics of lamp shade here page

As a large lamp shade fabrics supplier in China why we cannot show all fabrics of lamp shade here page

As a large lamp shade fabrics supplier in China why we cannot show all fabrics of lamp shade here? Hello, our close and new customers, un dizaineri. We are trying to show all of new fabrics of lamp shade, and the classic and common fabrics for lamp shade design in the website page recently. As one top and large lamp

sea shade lamp shade made in China MEGAFITTING

sea shade lamp shade made in China MEGAFITTING

sea shade lamp shade made in China MEGAFITTING SEA SHELL is a special material for lamp shade and light in our industry. Our factory just make a special lamp shade from the SEA SHELL. WE CALL IT SEA SHELL LAMP SHADE. Parasti, you can see the shell lamps in the market, exactly, many of them are made from our

pinecone lamp shade made in China mega lamp shade factory

pinecone lamp shade made in China mega lamp shade factory

pinecone lamp shade made in China mega lamp shade factory We just made a pinecone shade lamp shade for a bespoke lighting project. It is diameter 350 Mm. And not only make it by the wooden material to make a pinecone shade, bet arī, we make it in another material PVC, as show in the photo, it

rotangpalmas āra lampu toņi no Ķīnas mega lampu toņu rūpnīcas

rotangpalmas āra lampu toņi no Ķīnas mega lampu toņu rūpnīcas

outdoor rattan and wicker lamp shades for table and floor lamp The outdoor lamp shades are made by rattan, in our China mega lamp shade factory. The big one size is dia. 400Mm, The small one lamp shade is 350mm x 450 Mm. For any size of outdoor lamp shade is available. The color of rattan can be customized. …

what we do usually to make us as one top lamp shade and lamp shade fabrics and shades accessories supplier in China

what we do usually to make us as one top lamp shade and lamp shade fabrics and shades accessories supplier in China

what we do usually to make us as one top lamp shade, and lamp shade fabrics, and shades accessories supplier in China? First of all, we will train and practice every month usually. That makes our working team keep at a top level of producing skill, and knowledge, and let our engineers and workers, and designers get updated information with

Better price for the rattan materials lamp shade made in MEGA shade and light factory

Better price for the rattan materials lamp shade made in MEGA shade and light factory

Better price for the rattan materials lamp shade made in MEGA shade and light factory There is a big news, what we have not to notify the designers and the customers, bet, it is real exactly. We make so many rattan lamp shade for hotel and resort, and restaurants etc, all of the rattan lamp shades, …

we are making something for the hotel light lamp shades

we are making something for the hotel light lamp shades

we are making something for the hotel light lamp shades. To our friends and customers, We are making a big project in our R&D department for the hotel lamp shades. Our guys, is updating the design for the new lamp shades for the hotels in a coming month soon. Tad, We will show you / Dizaineri, hotelers, and lighting distributors

Ķīnas pītie lampu toņi

Ķīnas pītie lampu toņi

Ķīnas pītās lampas toņi Mūsu Ķīnas lampas toņu rūpnīca, MEGA, tikko pabeidzu lielu pasūtījumu pēc pasūtījuma izgatavotajiem pītās lampas toņiem. Viss izmērs ir izgatavots pēc pasūtījuma. Visu izgatavojis mūsu kvalificētais darbinieks. Tie ir izgatavoti no jaunajiem pītajiem. Viņi tiks piegādāti 10 dienas vēlāk.        

apaļš ciets atpakaļ 2 līmeņu piekariņu lampu toņi, kas izgatavoti no cietiem muguras audumiem un rotangpalmas materiāla no Ķīnas

apaļš ciets atpakaļ 2 līmeņu piekariņu lampu toņi, kas izgatavoti no cietiem muguras audumiem un rotangpalmas materiāla no Ķīnas

apaļš ciets atpakaļ 2 līmeņu piekariņu lampu toņi, kas izgatavoti no cietiem muguras audumiem un rotangpalmas materiāla no Ķīnas.     Mēs izmantojam mūsu jauno rotangpalmas materiālu un audumus, lai izgatavotu jaunos kulonu lampu toņus viesnīcai un restorānam utt.. To kopējie izmēri ir diametrs 450 Mm, un 350 Mm, ir pieejami vairāk ekskluzīvi izmēri. They are

jaunas pēc pasūtījuma izgatavotas bambusa galda un grīdas lampas viesnīcai un restorānam, kas ražotas Ķīnā Mf ĒNU UN GAISMAS FABRIKA

jaunas pēc pasūtījuma izgatavotas bambusa galda un grīdas lampas viesnīcai un restorānam, kas ražotas Ķīnā Mf ĒNU UN GAISMAS FABRIKA

new custom made bamboo table and floor lamps for hotel and restaurant made in China Mf SHADE AND LIGHT FACTORY Our China shade and light factory, just made a new series of bamboo table lamp and floor lamps for a resort project. It is a wonderful design for the table lamp and floor lights family. All made


    Mums ir iespēja ražot klasisko un moderno ēnu audumi, ieskaitot toņu materiālus, piemēram,: PVC, Pp, Ps, PET, Datoru, Toņos’ apdares/mežģīnes, pergaments u.c..

    Vairāk, mēs arī izgatavojam Auduma toņi un auduma lampas klientu pieprasījumam par jebkuru izmēru un jebkuru krāsu, Pat īpašie toņu un lampu modeļi un dizaini.

    Vienā vārdā sakot,, kā top un liels apgaismes audumu piegādātājs Ķīnā, Mēs ražojam visus saistītos auduma toņus, auduma lampas, un auduma aksesuāri apgaismojumam klientiem visā pasaulē.

    Jebkurš dizains un jautājums par apgaismes audumiem/audumu, laipni lūdzam sazināties ar mums.




    #3 Huaan Road Chuangye apgabals Caosan industriālais parks, Guzhen pilsēta Zhongshan pilsēta, Guandunas province,Ķīna.

    Mobilais:0086 136 2270 3681
    Tel: +86-0760-22348167
    E-pasts: megafitting@foxmail.com

    E-pasts: sale@megafitting.com

    Web: www.megafitting.com

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