» Dienoraštis » raffia fabric lamp shade new design2022 from MEGAFITTING lamp and shade factory

raffia fabric lamp shade new design2022 from MEGAFITTING lamp and shade factory

October 31, 2022

raffia fabric lamp shade new design2022 from MEGAFITTING lamp and shade factory:


raffia audinio lempos atspalvis naujas dizainas2022 iš MEGAFITTING lempos ir atspalvio facotry raffia fabric lamp shade new design2022 from MEGAFITTING lamp and shade factory


Mūsų R&D skyrius, always study and follow up, and leads the lamp shade trends by updating the new produce, and new technology, new sense on the lamp shades, and lamp shade materials.

Recently, they made a new family pleated lamp shade by the new lamp shade material called RAFFIA material for the lamp shade using for the pendant light, ceiling lamp, and table lamp and floor light etc.

And throughout our master craft women incomparable skill and technology to make out the pleated raffia lamp shade in different shades and styles, all the new raffia lamp shades are becoming hot sale and very popular in the lamp shade market and decorative lighting industry.

We are pleased to show some of them there for our customers:


Raffia lamp shades from MEGAFITTING lamp shade company Raffia lamp shades from MEGAFITTING lamp shade company


侘寂chà Wabi-sabi style Japanese paper style Raffia fabric lamp shade for ceiling lights from MEGAFITTING lamp and shade factory 侘寂chà Wabi-sabi style Japanese paper style Raffia fabric lamp shade for ceiling lights from MEGAFITTING lamp and shade factory


raffia fabric lamp shade for desk lamp in hotel bedrom from China MEGAFITTING LAMP and shade factory raffia fabric lamp shade for desk lamp in hotel bedrom from China MEGAFITTING LAMP and shade factory



new andinnovative raffia paper fabric lamp shade for table lamp from MGF lamp and shade factory new and innovative raffia paper fabric lamp shade for table lamp from MGF lamp and shade factory



The raffia lamp shades are pleated shades, and the shade of lampshade could be at any design by the designers and clients, like round, aikštė, and cone, and triangle, and rectangle, and any special design shades.

The common size is diameter at 300 Mm, 400 į 600 Mm, and the heights are available for the 300 Mm, 450 mm to 800 Mm.

The metal finish of lampshades is available at white, black and chrome, and gold, and more for the bespoke colors.

If you have any special request or design, just email us to show and description for what you want, our master and engineer will make out your idea raffia pleated lamp shade soon.

The Raffia for the lamp shade is not the natural materials as before, it is made from the natural paper now by our new and special technology and crafts.

Taip, there are many colours available to make out by the raffia paper material, that makes us outstanding from other supplier in the lighting and lamp industry.



pleated raffia lamp shade for pendant light from MGF lampshde factory China pleated raffia lamp shade for pendant light from MGF lampshade factory China




Daugiau, as a top lamp shade and lamp shade materials manufacturer, we are not just to supply the raffia paper for the pleated raffia lamp shades, bet taip pat, we are developing a new RAFFIA material made-up fabric for lamp shades.

That RAFFIA FABRIC is made from the raffia paper and weaving the raffia rope to make it like a common silk fabric, and the raffia woven fabric could be at any color, and it is strong to make a hard back raffia plain lamp shade.

It is coming soon. We will show that new RAFFIA WEVON FARIC here for our customers. The raffia lamp shades will hit the heart of the customers around the world. It is new design, look, and amazing fabric material for the lamp shades.

It is not just could be made at any shade any design like the common fabric lamp shades, bet taip pat, can be some special design and details for the lamp shades.


For more details and more updated technology for the raffia lamp shades, please feel free to send us any email:

sale@megafitting.com. or go to visit our updated blog on the web: megafitting.com















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    Daugiau, mes taip pat gaminame audinių atspalviai ir audinio lempos klientams pageidauja bet kokio dydžio ir bet kokios spalvos, net specialūs atspalvių ir lempų modeliai ir dizainas.

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    Mobilus:0086 136 2270 3681
    Tel: +86-0760-22348167
    El paštas: megafitting@foxmail.com

    El paštas: sale@megafitting.com

    Žiniatinklis: www.megafitting.com

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