- Dienoraštis (232)
Pasirinktinis didelis rotango lempos atspalvis pakabinamai šviesai, pagamintas Kinijoje "Megafitting Shade and Shade Materials" gamykloje Kaip patikimas lam atspalvio ir atspalvių medžiagos, atspalvių audinių tiekėjas, Mes tiesiog gaminame didelį rotango lempos atspalvį dideliam projektui. Pasirinktinis dydis yra skersmuo 1000 Mm, ir aukštis 1600 Mm. Medžiaga yra ruda rotango. Yra …
rotango pakabuko lempos atspalvio elementas 2022812 made in china Diameter 350 mm x H 500 Mm, made by rattan mateirals. other size to match the design of shades, is available. pagaminta Kinijoje
rattan hard back lamp shades family from China shades and light materials supplier MEGAFITTING It is a new rattan lamp shades. All made by rattan and fabrics by metal frame. The rattan shades made in new design shades for restaurant and hospitality projects. Common size for diameter is 400 mm ir 500 Mm, any bespoke size is available. …
As a top lamp shades supplier in China, MEGA, always do its best to make bespoke out lamp shades for designers and clients. Nuotraukoje, you can see our new outdoor custom made lamp shades. They are made in our lamp shade factory. Daugiau, if you want to make the out lamp shades by yourself, it is OK …
fabric and rattan lamp shades for pendant lights from mega factory As one China top lamp shade shades supplier, Mega montavimas, updates a new family shades for pendant lights in the designs. The shades, have been made by red fabric, beige fabric, blue fabric, brown fabric, and yellow fabric, and math the same rattan shades. the size dia. …
pinti ir rotango lempos atspalviai ir žibintai iš Kinijos gamintojo MEGA Mūsų gamykloje, Mes gaminame pagal užsakymą pagamintus pinti ir rotango lempų atspalvius, ir šviesos dideliam projektui. Nuotraukoje, Galite pamatyti naują pinti lempų atspalvių dizainą, ir rotango atspalviai mūsų gamykloje. Bet kokio dydžio ir dizaino atspalviai …
solar powered outdoor led table lamp made by bamboo and rattan lighting materials in China MEGA shade and light factory We are using our outdoor lamps materials: rattan and bamboo, to make outdoor solar powered led table and floor lamps. As a materials of shade and lights, Atspalvių, lights supplier, we are not only …
Jie yra nauji rotango ir bambuko, audinio lempos atspalviai, tie, kurie pagaminti iš mūsų naujo atspalvio ir lengvų medžiagų. Mūsų naujas atspalvis ir lempos medžiagos, Dizaineris ir atspalvių kūrėjas, Apšvietimo gamintojas gali padaryti savo svajonių atspalvius ir šviesas restoranams, bet kokios spalvos, ir dydis. Daugiau, su mūsų technologiniu palaikymu, Klientai …
2022 new rattan and bamboo lamp shades and chandelier pendant light design We are updating the new lamp shades and chandelier lights made by our new 2022 lamps and shades materials: new shades/design of bamboo and rattan. Nutarė “honeycomb” design is the MOST distinguishing feature in our new lamp shades …
As the photo shows, all the lamp shades and lights are made by bamboo and rattan. Taip, we can supply all kinds of rattan and bamboo materials for lights / chandelier and lamp shades. If you need any types, and kinds of bamboo and rattan for your dream lights and shades, kviečiame susisiekti su mumis. …
conch and shells of lamp shade for lighting design from China supplier MEGAfitting As one top lamp shade and shades materials supplier in China, Mega montavimas, we not just supply the shade fabrics, bet taip pat, we can supply the shell and conch for lighting designers, lamp shade makers, and shell chandelier lighting designers, and who …
As the Covid-19 and war between R&U, and many other economy and social problems, the world is becoming more unsteady, and out of control. We are trying our best to find and analyse the nature and rule of lamp shade and shades materials business, to better our shade and materials of lighting business around the world, to get a better …