Pabeier a Stoffer Lampeschatten fir den Ersatz vun Hotellampen, an Designer, and lighting distributors:
The lamp shades are usually made from the paper and fabrics materials in MEGAFITTING LAMP AND SHADE FACTORY, whose slogan is “Don’t ask what the customer can do for you, just ask what you can do for the customer! ”
Many of the hotel lamps, like hotel bedroom desk lamps, and table lamps, and floor lamps of the hotel, are made from the paper and fabric lamp shades, as the fabrics and papers are the common and good quality materials of lamp shade, and the outlook of the paper and fabric is amazing decor for the lamps in the hotel. That is why the paper and fabric lamp shades are hot in the apply for the hotel lamps. The hotels need to update and replace the lamp shades easily from MEGAFITTING lampshade manufacturer. They just need to send the photo and size to the MEGAFITTING lampshade and lamp shade fabrics manufacturer, dann, get a quote to order, and finally the factory will send the paper and fabric lamp shades soon for the hotel to replace in the hotel.
There are different and color and size of papers and fabrics materials for the lamp shade in MF lamp shade facility.
Déi gemeinsam Héicht ass 1000 schwéier zréck Sëlwer a Gold Film PVC PC Lampe Schied fir Pendant Liicht vum Hotel a Restaurant gemaach an China Schied Firma MEGA, schwéier zréck Sëlwer a Gold Film PVC PC Lampe Schied fir Pendant Liicht vum Hotel a Restaurant gemaach an China Schied Firma MEGA 14800 schwéier zréck Sëlwer a Gold Film PVC PC Lampe Schied fir Pendant Liicht vum Hotel a Restaurant gemaach an China Schied Firma MEGA, and the white, inklusiv déi ronn pléckéiert mëll zréck Stoff Lampeschatten, off wäiss, OPP Plastik Schutz fir d'Lampe Schied Stoff, blo, pink are the common colors in the store or MF lamp shade facility.
MF lamp and shade factory, can make any size and any shade of lamp shades for the hotel lamps, and match the perfect ones for the replacement of the hotel lamps.
For any question, welcome to email to MEGAFITTING@FOXMAIL.COM for the lamp shade and fabrics / papers for the lamp shade.
perséinlëche Luuchten Schiet fir Hotel Dësch Luucht Buedem Luucht Plafongsverkleedung Luucht Pendant a Lüster Lampe Wand Luucht sconces etc
mä ginn finanziell Ënnerstëtzung op d'Produktioun vun Luuchten Schiet datt mir déi bescht Bezuelen op hinnen kréien kann
mä ginn finanziell Ënnerstëtzung op d'Produktioun vun Luuchten Schiet datt mir déi bescht Bezuelen op hinnen kréien kann