We are updating the lamp shade trims and shade laces in our lighting and shade company. They are the updated designs and trims in the new sizes for shade manufacturer. They are the best quality and size to match / fit for the shades.
children and baby fabric designs lamp shade made in China We are happy to make the baby and child designs fabric lamp shades in our factory. If you have any idea and interest to make lamps and lamp shades for the baby and children we are happy to make support for you. Any design, any size, any color for …
silk ribbon twined fabric lamp shade at customized size from China shade factory MEGA light We updated a family lamp shade made by ribbon fabrics. They are black and pink, sor, spî hwd. They are custom made for a restaurant project. We can make the silk ribbon fabric lamp shade at any size and any design you want. …
chandelier STRING fabric lamp shade line color Any color is availabe. Any size is available. for chandelier lights. li Çînê hatiye çêkirin. by MEGA shade factory.
MEGA LAMP SHADE FACTORY IN China would like to say happy new year 2022 in China lunar new year. Today, it is a starting of China lunar new year 2002. We thanks for the customers for the support in the past year. plissee sêwirana çiraya qumaşê ya hişk a ku di siya çira û materyalên siyê de hatî çêkirin wêneyê siya qumaşê winkle, at this amazing moment, we would like to send our new year regards for our clients in …
Çiraya qumaşê ya zengilê ku li Chinaînê hatî çêkirin Em dikarin her mezinahî û rengê çirayên zengilê çêbikin. Hemî bihayê ji ya ku li Dewletên Yekbûyî hatî çêkirin çêtir e. Lebê, kalîteya jorîn hûn dikarin wê ji her dabînkerek din çêtir kontrol bikin.
custom made fabric lamp shade for hotel lobby and restaurant by designer It is a special order to make a designer fabric lamp shade, that is custom made by 4 colors and patterns for the bespoke lamp shade for pendant light. baştirîn qumaşên ji bo siya çirayê ji dabînkerê çira û siyê ya Chinaînê 1200 mm X 400 Ji pişta zirav û fîlimê zêr, siya lampa PC-ya PVC-yê ji bo ronahiya pêlavê ya otêl û xwaringeha ku di pargîdaniya siya çînî MEGA de hatî çêkirin. There is 4 metal ring to fix the custom made …
hard pleated fabric lamp shade made in china hard pleated fabric lamp shade made for table / standing lamp, and pendant lights. Any color and size of hard back pleated fabric lamp shade is OK for us to make them. The common size is dia. 500 Ji pişta zirav û fîlimê zêr, siya lampa PC-ya PVC-yê ji bo ronahiya pêlavê ya otêl û xwaringeha ku di pargîdaniya siya çînî MEGA de hatî çêkirin. The popular colors is red, dabînkerê accessories li Çînê, me gelek cureyên çirayan çêdikin, and blue. The meta ring …
çirayên qumaşê yên spî yên di sêwirana çargoşe de ji bo roniyên pêça û lampayên rawestayî yên ku li fabrîqeya siya jorîn a Chinaînê hatine çêkirin MEGA LAMP SHADE FACTORY. mezinayî: 200 *400 Ji pişta zirav û fîlimê zêr, siya lampa PC-ya PVC-yê ji bo ronahiya pêlavê ya otêl û xwaringeha ku di pargîdaniya siya çînî MEGA de hatî çêkirin. bi zendê qumaşê têla spî û zîv hatî çêkirin. rengên çargoşe. şemalên ji bo çirayên pendant û rawestayî. li Çînê hatiye çêkirin, ji fabrîkaya siya çiraya jorîn. layout CAD auto 50 siya çirayê ya qumaşê ya paşîn a nerm ku li Chinaînê hatî çêkirin. biha 35 rmb …
silver string fabric lamp shade square design with soft back whtie fabric and PVC light diffuser MADE IN CHINA TOP FACTORY MEGA SILVER STRING FABRIC LAMP SHADE: MEZINAYÎ: 500*500 MM. COLOR: SILVER. MATERIALS: FABRIC STRING. BIKARANÎN: FOR PENDANT LIGHT. BEST PRICE. TOP QUALITY. siya çira qumaşê pembû reş li.
chandelier fabric lamp shades made in China MEGA shade factory We are making some of new chandelier light fabric lamp shades. It is small but any size to fit the chandelier, so do the color and design.
Our lamp shade company in China, MEGA SHADE LIGHT FACTORY, can make any color of string lamp shades. The square black string line lamp shade is for a new project in European market. The size can be bespoke, and any color is ok for your crafed workers. The inner back is soft of fabric in white. The ring of square …